It was then

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It was then when I realised I shouldn't be defined based on what people have said, I could not be defined by the love I carry but the love I share. The intense burning desire to be close to a being, someone who you know, someone who understands.

It was then when I realised how much you care, how much I rely on you. I became addicted, completely mesmerised and infatuated by your trail of thought. A drug, a type of medicine that made everything better, the type that took all the bad thoughts away and placed them somewhere not even I knew of.

It was then when you told me 'to be yourself ' and to not worry what everyone else thinks because it should only matter what you think of yourself. 'Stop putting the world on your shoulders, let me carry your burden'
I felt then intense pain of realisation, it struck me right in the centre of my chest throwing me into the state of reality.

So I step back and realise... what do you think of me? Am I totally oblivious to my own happiness? Or am I too selfless to realise that my happiness only sprouts from the people around me.

It was then when I realised, maybe the world isn't cut out for me. But you were the missing piece I was looking for, a place of refuge, a place to be engulfed into a safe embrace. The warmth of your heart beating close to mine and the subtle sound of your steady breath keeping at ease.

It was never a desire or craze to be next to you, it was a simple need. Nothing too desirable, but something that I knew would keep me balanced, keep me on the right path.

And it was then when I knew, you were the path I was waiting for, the one that showed me the right direction, the right place to be.

It was then... it was always then.

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