Wild Born

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I don't own SA, there, I said it.

The wind is in my hair, as I stand my ground on the deck of the boat.  The GREENCLOAK'S boat, specifically, with the same ones that took me away from my father, who fills my head these days.

Is he alive? Is he dead? does he need me? What am I doing here, when I could be saving my Father? Why am I here, while I could be fighting for my people?

Why am I here when Zhong is under attack?

I hang my head down low, looking at my hand, where Jhi was in passive form. That lazy panda preferred to sit down, and sleep, while I, on the other hand needs to do something, needs to burn my fire, needs to take action. My father once said: "Anger, sometimes with longing, pain, determination, the desperation to prove yourself, and restlessness, needs to be let out, before it takes over you, and soon you will have no control. Kill your loved ones, kill other's loved ones, and kill your soul, while your body's still standing." He said that when he was going to go check on a small city outside the wall, and at that time, I had to stay at home, because I was learning how to fight, and that must be practiced for years.

Right now, that anger must be coming back at me, I talk to the others, and my mind is elsewhere. When that Amayan guy talks to me, I retort back at him, but I don't care less if I win the argument or not. Though, when he really angers me, I stop thinking of my Father for just a while. And that while is where I quickly make plans and 'let out' the anger and frustration that returns to my mind every hour.

Speaking of which, now I'm supposed to be meeting Tarik for breakfast. Who cares? Why are you here Meilin? Now you're going to have a nice little breakfast, while who knows where your father is, and if he is alive or is he gone? "Stop it." I whisper, to myself, but I hear the nosy footsteps of the other people.

"I'm hungry, I could eat a horse!" The Amayan guy complained. While Conor just laughed, like it was funny.

Which, it wasn't. Though, they must feel like happy spring birds, singing and flying in the wind without a care in the world.

Lucky them. They don't have to care about anything. Maybe Conor can somewhat sympathize, he has a family, while Rollan- the Amayan guy,  doesn't have a family.

That means, I should talk to Tarik, but no way! I'm not giving a weakness to the leader. First impressions are EVERYTHING, so if I happen to show a little weak and poor chick, they will step on me so fiercely, I wouldn't-

Why do I even care about what does stupid guys think about me? I'm Meilin Teng! Daughter of General Teng. I'm just as awesome as they get!

And I'm worried...

I'm worried.

I'm worried of my father and my life, of the people in the world, of the people aboard this boat, of my friends-err-comrades.

Yes, I'm sure, Comrades.

Them, my friends?

Please, I must be hallucinating to think they are in my friend circle already.

I better go down to breakfast before I think they are cute or something.

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