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I huffed slamming my bag on the kitchen table as Stefan continued to lecture me. "You could have died Y/N!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me. What the hell were you thinking trying to go after Katherine by yourself?"

"Stefan you're overreacting for goodness sake. I'm still alive aren't I?" He nodded. "She wouldn't have done anything to me anyway! I bet you'd be happy anyway cause then you can be with Caroline right?!" He stayed silent.

"Now who's the one "overreacting"?" He spat and I sighed. "I can't lose you Y/N and you know that. I don't want Caroline I want you."

"Doesn't seem like it" I whispered staring at the floor but he stood in front of me lifting my chin up with his fingers.

"Trust me baby, I don't want anyone else but you, why do you think I get so protective? It's because I love you Y/N" I smiled as he leaned down pressing his lips onto mine. "I really do love you and I'm sorry for overreacting."

"I love you too Stef and it's okay, I was overreacting too" a laugh escaped his lips but he kissed me again smiling into the kiss. "I love you" I repeated.

"And I love you"

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