“I'm not so sure, he’s been away on meetings a lot and we’ve grown apart. It’s just not the same that it used to be. But the tip off the hat is that he’s bringing home a business partner this time. And it’s a she. I guess he really doesn’t care what I think any more” that bastard. Now I don’t even believe myself, the signs are there but it’s just that neither one of us wants to say the truth aloud.  “I'm so sorry” and I'm sorry that was the best I could do for her. I wish I could help her so much more and I wish there was something else to do.

“I guess it was only a matter of time, George was never really there for James child hood, they never had a great relationship, maybe it just wasn’t true love and now is the time I finally see it” she sighed.  Wow that was probably the brightest thing in this situation, only veronica would assume that at a time like that. She then rid her face of any trace of sadness and put a smile on her face.

“you know what, I’ll be fine. I have a family right here and I think I’ll be fine. It’s you two’s last day here so let’s make the most of it” wow veronica really was an optimist, I admired her and I felt like we would have a great relationship.

“your right, so what should we do today” just then James took a seat beside me and put a plate full of eggs, bacon and toast in front of me. I sub-consciously licked my lips it smelt so good.  I heard a laugh come from the both of them and looked up to see them looking at me with an amusement.

For the rest of the day, we spend it outside by the pool side. when it came to 5, it was time to leave. Veronica walked us to the door. I stared sadly at her. she stared back and I couldn’t resist myself, I walked over and hugged her.  “thank you so much Taylor” she said into my ear. “I should be thanking you for everything you did for me. if there is anything you need just call, you can stay with us or anything you need” I offered. I already cared for the women.

She nodded sadly and pulled away. I don’t know if she told James about it but it wasn’t my place to say anything. He was standing there looking at us slightly confused.  When I walked back over and put on my shoes, he walked over and hugged his mom.  “bye” I said waving and walking out the door with James behind me. veronica stood at the door and watched us get into the car. I gave her one final wave as we drove off, starting the two hour drive back.

Something popped into my mind, we would have to tell everyone back home, maybe not about the trip, but that we were together. And my brothers would no doubt have a fit. I have no idea what my family will think about this but I hope they’re ok with it. because I'm not changing anything. “James have you thought about what we’re going to tell my family” I said softly.

He looked over at me in surprise. “well actually it skimmed my mind” his voice was quiet and low, I narrowed my mind, he was thinking something and it was never good when he spoke like that. ‘and what do you suggest we tell them?” I asked suspiciously. “well I don’t think we should tell them yet, maybe wait a little.” And that was all it took for me to break.

“wait for when? For the next couple of months when I see you next?” I practically screamed at him. “Taylor it’s no big deal. We can hold off, we haven’t exactly known each other that long and there not going to approve of it, not to mention that I have to go back with you brother”  he was clearly only thinking about himself and what was best. “James I am not going to sneak around with you, and you don’t know my family. They won’t shoot it down. My brother is going to find out sometime. And it’s better he finds out now by us telling him other than later another way” when you hide things from people it always ends up the badly and I learned that from past experiences.

“I don’t know Taylor, I'm still here for a week more and what if things don’t go the way we planned it too? how about we tell them the day I leave that way there won’t be any complications.” Wow as he for real? “Your only trying to run from it. You might not be here to deal with it but I will have too, we have to do it together James, it’s not just me and it’s not just you. It’s me and you” I reminded him.

We were in this together so there was reason he should be saying that now.   “Taylor come on, don’t be like that, I made it obvious that I wanted to be with you. This is hard for me, it’s new for me so just give me a chance to get used to this stuff before you start giving me all these relationship problems and shit” my eyes went wide and I guess eh noticed what he just said too “I don’t mean shit, I mean uh- I cut him off “don’t bother James, I should have known you wouldn’t have changed completely. I’ll tell my family when they leave. And just so you know this will affect me and Dan’s relationship jus as much as it will with you and him.” I turned around and faced the window.

I heard him sigh beside me, but I didn’t feel like comforting him right now. He was going to screw me over, I was pretty sure about that. But I won’t count it out before I tried. I already knew I was head over heels for James so it wouldn’t be that easy. I just pray to god that this won’t make me choose between Dan and James.

Because I couldn’t.  We drove in silence for the next bit before he pulled off the highway and onto a  food stop “what do you want for dinner” he asked like nothing was wrong, he acted as if nothing just went on. “I'm not hungry” I replied coldly. He could act like that if he wanted but I wasn’t about to forget everything and side with him.

“Ok Macdonald’s it is since you’re going to choose to act like a brat the whole way back” I glared at the side of his head but said nothing back. When we pulled up I got out from the car and slammed my door, walking up to the restaurant doors and not bothering to wait for him. I stomped in the angry bitch I was being and ordered my chicken nuggets. The cashier was looking at me weirdly but said nothing.

James finally came in a minute later and whispered in my ear from behind me “just because your acting like this doesn’t mean I'm going to give you what you want” he said straight, there was no trace of emotion in his voice. He said it out of complete honestly and maybe a little irritation. 

We ate there in a angry silence before deciding to get going again. After about half an hour on the road he finally broke. “Would you just talk already? You’re making a big deal of nothing!” he said frustrated, which made me smirk, I was getting over it but I might as well egg him on a bit more before I give in.

“So we’re a big deal then?” I added with attitude, I was still facing the window so I managed to hide my smirk and cover up and laughs bubbling up in me. “oh god… I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that I’m saying that it’s nothing. We’re fighting over a way to tell your family. By the end of the week they’re going to know either way so why fight about it?” I could tell he was frustrated but was trying to hide it through his strained voice.

“No! I will do not approve of your way. We should tell them now of face the consequences later” I was getting a bit cheesy now but it was hard to hold back my laughter. “What? What are you even talking about? What consequences?” he said sounding genuinely confused. I couldn’t hide the little snicker that came out of my mouth though, he was so funny.

“What are you laughing about?” he looked at me as if I was crazy. “You, it’s just funny, I’m over it” I managed to say. His face dropped when he realised I was laughing at him but the corner of his mouth was hinting up in a smile. “Aww you know you want to smile so just do it” I said teasingly.

And just like that a smile broke out on his face and the fight was over. We may have fought a lot but it was always over fast and easy.

The rest of the drive home was a piece of cake, we joked around and talked, that was the way it was supposed to be between us. we pulled up in my drive way a couple hours later, it was getting dark out and the lights shown through the window from the house. I was walking up to the door when James suddenly grabbed my arms and turned me to face him.

“You know what, your right. We’re going to tell them right now” he said before walking up towards the front door. What the hell? When did he change his mind and why did he have to tell me so late. he just got me panicking. He creaked the door open and all I could think was…. this it ………………………………………..

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