Chapter 3: Take Me Out to the Ballgame

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A/N: When I published this little one-shot in two chapters in March, I intended it to be done. But several of you have commented and messaged me requesting a final chapter dealing with 'the balls.' This is for you crazy ladies.


I have recovered from my handcuffed kinky fuckery and I'm anxious to return the favor. I retrieve the silver balls from their black velvet pouch and approach Dakota as she gets out of the shower. We're going to dinner at a place that has live jazz, and I leave tomorrow, so tonight is my best bet.

She smiles when I hold them up so she can see them in the mirror. "You game for these?"

Her smile turns wicked and she simply bends over the bathroom counter and puts her ass in the air for me. She turns to me with a smirk, "Just make sure you put them in the right hole, please."

I smack her butt and kneel down, "I've been trained by the best, babe. You're in good hands." I drag one of the balls up and down her slit to get it wet and to rev her up. It works, the ball is wet and she is pushing back against me as I gently insert the first ball. I twist the second ball, kiss her butt cheek, and caress her silky thigh, "Okay so far?"

She sighs softly, "Yes, do it."

I hold the tab in my left hand and gently slide the second ball in, careful to keep a couple inches of the tab exposed. I can feel her clenching around my finger and the balls. Once I let go, damn me if her vagina doesn't suck the tab in. Well hell. Hmmmm....I guess I'll worry about that later.

She turns to me with a bright smile. "A little strange, but no big deal. We'll see what happens."

I simply smile, deciding she doesn't need to know right now that I have no way to get them out of her. I can only hope the situation will right itself. If not, I have Liam on speed dial. He was our BDSM consultant on the first film and I'm sure he'll know what to do.

Riding to dinner, we hit a pothole and she nearly came out of her seat. The next thing I knew, she had wrapped herself around me and shoved her tongue down my throat. She was trying to climb on my lap as she whined, "I need you now, Jamie. Like now. Right here, right now. In this car."

I gently moved her back to her seat, "Not here, baby, not now. Soon. Hang on." She grabbed my hand and pulled it to her sex.

"Please, I need you. Now."

I leaned over to kiss her deeply, give her a little rub, and whisper in her ear, "It'll be better if we wait, sweetheart."

She sits back with a huff. "Then keep your hands off of me because I'm about to explode right now." She slides me a mean look, "Not liking you right now, Dornan."

We make our way into the restaurant and I can't help but grin as Dakota adjusts herself in her chair. She is clearly uncomfortable, but she is playing the game like a pro. She eats seductively and teases me by crossing and uncrossing her long legs.

When we're in the cab on the way back home, it takes her all of 5 seconds before she is climbing across me to straddle my lap. She rubs against me as she kisses me like her life depends on it. "Take me now, Jamie."

I grip her ass and pull her into me tightly, "Soon, love. We're almost home."

She whines against me, "Nnnnnooooowwwww, Jamie. I need you now. Please. Please." She rocks against me and holds my head to hers.

I do the only thing I can. I push her over to her seat and kiss the breath out of her while my hand massages her soaking mound under her dress. "Baby, I promise we will take care of this when we get home."

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