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*Malia's POV*

After a long discussion on how we were going to go about the heist, Dom said, "Alright we all know what we're doing. We hit them tomorrow." Everyone then started to move across the warehouse over to some furniture a little further in, things like a couple of couches and a computer. "Long time huh?" Brian asks from beside me as the others descend into their own conversations. "No kidding, what's it been two? Three years? Imagine my shock when I got an old friend to do some research to find out Brian O'Connor quit the FBI and was now a wanted fugitive." I ruffled his hair to piss him off. He smiles and hits my hands off, only to mess my hair up in revenge. "So what you been doing? Stealing some priceless artwork or jewels? Making a whole city believe you were a popstar again?" "Haha no I actually got involved in overthrowing a corrupt mayor and gang he was involved with. You remember Nate right?" "Nate as in Nathan Ford? The insurance guy?" Brian looks at me with a skeptical look on face, eyebrow raised causing worry wrinkles to for on his forehead. "Yes that Nate. He's gone dark side now too, has been for five years now. Leverage." I say with a weird voice and jazz hands. This seems to catch the other's attention. "Leverage?" Roman scoffs, "Isn't that some banking thing?"

"Yes and no..." I trail off surprised he even knew about the investment strategy. "Then what is it?" Dom's voice boomed through the almost barren room, causing my eyes to move to his, deep coffee bean globes bore into mine. "Leverage is a group of mostly ex con men or thieves that have turned a new leaf and act as new-age Robin Hoods. Helping the little people. Sometimes when they need help with a mark Nate asks me to help out." "That doesn't seem so surprising actually I mean most of the time any paper trail you left behind was to charities or for hospital bills for people with no connection to you." Brian spoke from behind me, "All this time you've claimed to be bad but you're nothing but a teddy bear who's scared to show her soft side." Brian makes a pouty face grabbing my cheek and squeezing it. I give him the scariest glare I can muster. "Run?" He asks, "Oh yeah!" I answer. He runs off as I turn away from him shaking my head, looking around I see all seats are taken, my feet hurt like hell so I don't think twice about walking over to Dom and sitting on his lap.

"Well hello there." Dom's chest vibrates as he speaks, I look over my shoulder at him and give him a flirty wink and smile before saying. "Sorry babes but my feet are killing me and I wasn't going to sit on the floor." Brian comes back from wherever he went with Mia the both of them carrying some beers. "Well you two sure look comfy." Mia speaks up giving us both a beer, "Just keep your clothes on whilst we're about." I laugh and feel Dom do so as well, "So you're the infamous Mia then? Brian never and I mean NEVER shut up about you when we last saw each other. Good on you girl for taming him, and don't worry he's all yours." Mia has a face eating grin on her face when she hears Brian talked about her. "It better have been good things O'Connor." Dom rumbles from behind me, Roman across from us snickers before saying, "Oh yeah. Probably all about how good she was in bed, am I right Brian?" Brian's mouth falls open and he looks like a gapping fish. Everyone shares a laugh at this and we all diffuse into easy conversation the rest of the night. Before one by one people start heading off to get some sleep in the few rooms with beds or mattresses there was.

Soon it's only me and Dom left, I get up from his comfortable lap and walk over to the other couch. "Hey, now my lap's going to get cold." Dom says mockingly. "Aww boohoo." I lay down on the couch facing the ceiling. "Your people?" Dom breaks the silence. "Hmm?" I reply. "Your people, your team. Do you care about them?" A smile breaks on to my face when I think about Nate, Parker, Eliot and Hardison, not so much Sophie. "Yeah they're like a family to me, except for Sophie. I mean don't get me wrong I like Sophie and everything but I don't. That makes no sense." I shake my head. "I'd give my life for her like I'd give my life for the others but she's so fake. Yes she's a grifter but she acts all high and mighty, looking down on the rest of us due to our methods. Some people don't like to be in the limelight but she doesn't understand that." Dom lets out a hearty chuckle, "I get it, I do. Seems like a clash of personalities, like Brian and Vince or even myself at times. And the point of that being is these people are my family and if you do anything to hurt them, it won't be pretty. But Brian trusts you so I doubt you will."

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