Chapter 3

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I hit the wall near me as the pain quickly began to spread throughout my body. I was screaming on the inside but all you could visibly see where the uncontrollable tears that were spilling. I started grinding my teeth to distract me from the excruciating pain.

"Are you fucking with me, I barely even touched her!" I heard the blonde girl say with pure anger. A deeper voice responded in annoyance and it belonged to Dan, thank god!

"Fuck man! I can't leave you for twenty goddamn minutes without you assaulting a customer. You know what, just go home!" He said as the pain worsened.

"Are you . . ." Dan drew in a sharp breath. "Someone call the ambulance! Come on Danni." Some random people started calling 911 while someone knelt down beside me to take Dan's place, he had left with the blonde. I felt the liquid on my dress, that's when I noticed she had cracked my head open!




At first I thought she was exaggerating but damn that girl can't take a shoving. Once I saw the blood I just went into vampire mode. I couldn't control my thirst as good as my brother Dan. So once he saw my face he knew he had to get me out of there. Bleeding girl or not, if he didn't get me out of there, well let's just say there would be no bleeding girl anymore, just a corps. We ran out of the mall at a normal speed but once there was no human in sight we went vampire fast till we lost the scent.

"What the fuck is your problem Danni?!" Dan yelled but I just shrugged and looked for a deer to sink my teeth into.

"You could of killed that girl and almost got us caught! Can't you fucking keep your goddamn mouth shut for two seconds? What the fuck did she ever do to you!?!" After he asked I turned around on one heel and faced him. We were both the same height.

"She called me bossy you fucking dumb piece of shit!!" I said with pure rage and anger.

"Bossy . . . you're kidding right? Because if you're not Daniella so help me god i'll . . ." I cut him off, nobody and I meen nobody calls me by my full name!

"Shut the fuck up, don't you fucking dare say that name! Leave me the fuck alone. Yeah I have anger issues but who gives a fuck. And I still wouldn't give a shit if they did discover us, I'm going to hell anyways!" I said and began to walk toward the house. I could feel his hatred eyes stinging my back. I sometimes feel bad for putting Dan through all this shit but I couldn't help it. It was who I was. I opened my room door and landed on my bed . . . I hate my neverending life. 

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