Toby And Max

18 0 2

Max: DAD!

Toby;AGGH IM SORRY I ATE THE SOAP-I mean....heyyyyy son...

Max: -_-


Max: Dad....You have a problem...

Toby: I knoooowwwwww T_T

Max; Anywayyyy.....Justin and Trey are coming over

Toby: Then Im guessing naomi too?

Max: Nah. She cheatead On him twice. *Shrugs*

Toby: Wheres your wife.

Max: Most likely eating someone alive

Toby: Wtf....

Max; Yeaaaaaaaah.....

Toby: ......

Max: Like your any better you just ate soap!

Toby: SUSH!

Masky: You ate the what!


Hoodie: The what...

Max and masky: THE SOAP!

Hoodie: ew wtf...

Toby: DAAM IT! Your grounded!

Max: -_- pfffft. * Walks out the house*

Hoodie: At least he didnt drop it...\

Toby; Yeeeeah....tooooottaly didnt drop it 0_0''

masky: 0_0

Toby's LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora