Trey and Toby

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Toby:Who is this Trey kid trying to steal my show its TOBY'S  Life  not Treys Life!!!*sees Trey*

Trey:*Whistling and sees Toby*Oh hey Toby,

Toby:dam it hes actually nice.

Trey:GOT DAM IT IM NOT NICE!!!!!!! I AM THE PRINCE OF HELL SHEESH!!!!!i hate it when people say that. 

Toby:*starts fake crying*

Trey:sorry i dint mean to say it like that.

Toby:see you are nice!!!

Trey:GOT DAM IT!!!!!!

Toby:well i hear you got your on show called TREYS life. No motherfucka! thats my show you stole my shit.

Trey:*middle finger* if you cant see this with your big ass goggles im saying fuck you.And if you cant hear me with that big ass hat over your ears then im saying...*get close to his ear lifts his hat and screams:*FUCK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!

Toby:*jumps on Trey*why you little son of a---

Trey:get off me!!!


Toby:oh that's your mom.

Trey:* nods his head yes while smirking*

Toby: -)))_)))-

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