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New York. Saturday morning. Michael woke up before Sara. He looked at his sleeping angel and still couldn't believe that he finally can sleep calmly next to her. He took deep breath and delighted in freedom.

Michael checked the time but accidentally his phone rang. He was scared. He is always scared when phone rings. He is always afraid that it can be phone who will change their life again. But for happiness the phone screen showed: SONNY BOY MIKEY <3
-Hi daddy. Sorry for waking but..
-What is going on?
-Nothing. I'm just bored and I can't sleep. Could I come to you and mom?
-Mom is sleeping. I'm coming, baby .

Michael got up and came to Mike's room. Michael knocked and something was on the door. It was a paper with "Fox River State Penitentiary".
Michael rolled his eyes and thought: 'I'm trying to forget about everything and my son is obsessed with prisons.' He smiled anyway. He loves his son more than everything.
-Open on 40!! - Mike screamed.
-Hahahaha good morning, baby.
Mike jumped into father's arms.
-How do you feel, sonny boy?
-Fine. I just turned my room into the cell. I had tattooed my body.

Mike's arms and stomach was painted by black marker.

Michael laughed but he knew that Sara will kill him and Mikey.
-Now I'm hero like you, daddy!!
-Baby. How am I supposed to wash you now?
-I don't wanna clean it. I need to show it uncle Lincoln.

Michael laughed all the time and looked at his angel's face. He took his son into arms and said: 'We're going to wash down it and I'm going to paint you something on your arm, ok?'
Mikey nodded.

After exhausting bath Michael painted on Mike's hand origami crane.
-It's your first important tattoo. If you ever will be scared or feel that you wanna give up... (Michael pulls out origami crane) this bird will give you stength. It takes care of you.
Remember real heros never give up. You always need to have faith and take care of your mother.
-I will, daddy.
Mikey hugged his dad.

-I'm hungry - Mikey said queit.
-We're gonna do breakfast for us.

Michael always carries Mikey in his arms. He feels then that he has him close and nobody can hurt him.
They went down steps to the kitchen but Sara already prepared a breakfast.

-Hi family. - Sara kissed them both.
-You were supposed to relax today, Sara.
-Yeah, but...
-But what? Sit and read a book or something we're finishing.
-No, no, no - she said smiling. -Why are you still carrying Mikey? He'll forget how to walk.
Michael laughed and Mikey said:
'I'm not gonna leave him because when he will start to hug you I'll do nothing with daddy to the end of the day'

They all started laughing. Michael sit with son on the couch next to Sara and they hugged each other.
-I'm happy that I have you. I'm very grateful for having normal breakfast with you. That's all I ever wanted. That's what...
-Let's eat. I'm starving :D - Mikey said smiling.
-Mike, you have ruined the moment - Sara said laughing and started to tickle the sonny.
-He is right. Let's eat something.

During breakfast Sara noticed something on Mike's hand.
-What's this, baby?
-It's my first tattoo. Origami crane.
It reminds me how important family is.

Michael smiled but for real he was touched. His son and Sara were for him everything.

-Daddy, can we play football now?
-If you wash up we can go after.
-No excuses.
-Yeah, Mikey. Go wash up now, do your Math homework and then you can go outside with dad.
-But mom... It's Saturday.
-You have school on Monday.

Little angel stood up and got to the obligations.

Sara: I'm so proud. He is the best at Math in his class. He counts so fast.
Michael: I'm curious why... He is smart like his mom :) He's gonna be a doctor.
S: Or an engineer heh
M: Or a head of prison. Anyway I'll take care of it he'll finish good schools.
S: The head of prison... Yeah... This reminds me about everything.
M: Don't worry. Just kidding. Don't look better at Mike's stomach.
S: Oh God. What happened? Has he a rash or what?!
M: No, worse. I couldn't wash down black marker from his body.
S: Hahahha oh my God. I did it so many times. You're an inspiration for him. He wanna have tattooed his body.

-Let's go up and have time for each other.

Michael smiled ambiguously.

-No... Mikey doesn't sleep.
-I don't mean... I just wanna relax with you.
-Yeah, you don't mean...

Michael slapped Sara's butt and picked her up.
-I love you. You're only mine.
-I love you too, sweetheart.

There Is a Boy Ithaca, New York Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ