(18) Perfectly Made for Me

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Hey guys!!! I <3 you all soooo much you guys really make my day. =) Anyway the story is starting to take off! I'm so excited!


Liam's POV

" Ok Leann just don't freak out." If she decided to shift with me this close I would be dead in less than a second.

"Is it really that bad?" She whispered with that voice. Her voice was almost as beautiful as she was. Her first shift hadn't really changed much about her. She was beautiful the way she was before. But now...wow! She was perfect in every way possible. Her hair if possible became a brighter more playful shade of brown. Her body was now made so that it perfectly fit to mine. She had to have grown maybe an inch or two and her eyes. Oh her eyes, they were such a pretty blue before but now...now they were absolutely the most beautiful things I had ever scene. They are brighter than the sky itself. There was no logical reason why this beautiful girl would take me as hers after what I had done to her. But maybe if I beg we could still be friends.

"Honey I'm not really to sure how to explain this to you. This hasn't happened for so long...no one even thought it was possible anymore." That's true there has been no reason for it to happen. Since my great great great grandpas time everything had changed. Not only can a wolf not have a human for a mate, but there is no way to change a human into a wolf anymore. The humans evolved, the gene was passed on from one generation to the next. Since then there have been some crazier crude wolves that have tried to turn a human with no luck. They ended up killing the human. So I'm not exactly sure why I had bit Leann. And that's what scarred me the most when she first started to scream. I thought that she had been dying.

"No one knew what was possible? Liam you are not making any sense. What are you talking about?" There really wasn't going to be any easy way to tell her.

"Leann honey there is no easy way to say this but...baby you had your first shift. You are a werewolf now." I flinched expecting her to lash out at me. But she didn't? When I opened my eyes she looked up at me in shock. Her mouth looking like it was about to drop open.

"I'm one of you?" Every word was like a knife threw my heart. She sounded so hurt.

"Yes" I sighed when she looked down at the ground.

"So I'm like your great great great grandma? I'm the human that got turned into a wolf?"

Again I sighed "yes." This wasn't going well for me.

"Don't let your Beta hurt l me." She looked back up and her eyes were filled with hurt and fear. She meekly wrapped her arms around me. I quickly but cautiously returned her hug. Her body fit perfectly to mine and everywhere her skin touched mine a million sparks shot threw my veins. I felt like my whole body had gone numb and Leann was the only way to wake it up.

"Baby I won't let him touch you. But hun you do know its Kyle we are talking about right?" She pulled away from me and placed her arms across her chest.

"I know and if I was his mate too, then he is probably not going to be to happy right?" Shit I had been so focused on Leann I hadn't really thought about how Kyle was going to react. He was going to try to kill me that was obvious. But would I let him? No I couldn't do that to the pack. I'm their alpha and it didn't matter if I do go insane without Leann by my side the pack needed me and I would let her go if that's what she wanted. If she wants to be with Kyle.

"Honey just let me worry about that, alright?" She brought her body back to mine and laid her head on my chest. I lightly ran my hand threw her hair. Her smell was driving me wild. It was so much stronger now that she was a wolf. The unmistakable smell of vanilla and roses engulfed me. She was perfect in every way. And here I was, the guy that clamed her without her permeation. The guy that turned her into a monster. How could I do that to such a small and defenseless girl?

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