•Ch 13•

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Maybe it was the foreign atmosphere I got placed in. Stepping outside the plane made breathing require an surprisingly amount of effort. A gust of wind forcefully blew through my hair, making me shutter under its touch. I should've considered this venture a bit more, with prior experience with planning ahead I hadn't had much experience with it. Into simpler words, it wasn't necessarily one of my 'specialties'.

Snow crunched under my boots as I so carelessly walked into a nearby town. In a distance I saw what seemed to be a monstary. Squinting my eyes to attempt to get a better view, now that I think about it. It doesn't provide much of a help.

The structure was on a mountain, providing me another challenge on my journey. I walked along the narrow streets in Nepals market center, admiring the handmade dishes, and home grown produce. Which triggered my mind and reminded me of home, and as much as I'd hate to admit. Genji.

Exhaling, I stop by a wooden stand, selling an assortment of vegetables and fruits. The person watching over it was an older woman, she smiled at me nodding in as a greeting gesture." Would you by any chance know a way up to town on the mountain?" I pointed upwards in direction of the area I'd been referring to.

"I don't think I've seen anyone up there in ages, but I'm just an old woman what do I know?" She chuckled, her accent was thick. Making some of her words difficult to understand. I smiled, it had been a while since I had smiled. Genuinely." But if you're lucky, occasionally the military or overwatch agents are down there. Hopefully traveling by airship."

"Thank you." I smile, waving back at the woman then venturing on. Clinging tighter to my bag, I walked in the direction of the mountain. Keeping my eye out for lingering overwatch or military agents.

Peering over a hill, i was showered with relief. An airship, landed at the base of the mountain. I approached the soliders carefully." Uh excuse me?" I tap a mans shoulder anxiously. He peered down at me, furrowing his eyebrows." What?"

His words were simple, yet his tone was harsh and cold. I didn't know what sent goosebumps throughout my body, his piercing stare. Or the harshness of the way he spoke.

"I was wondering if I'd be possible if you could fly me in your airship to the top of the mountain?" Before he could respond a woman wearing a blue uniform approached us, unaware of my presence." Commander Morrison, the airship is loa-"

"Oh? Who is this?" The woman had an accent, hinting she had been of Egyptian descent." This kid over here thinks we just give rides to anyone up the mountain, what do think we are a bus stop?!" My eyes widened and attention averted to us.

I looked at the woman, who was trying to calm down her commander. For a brief moment her sleeve faced my direction. It had an overwatch emblem and under wrote 'Amari'.

"Jack, look at the poor girl. We have time to take you up before we descend for our mission, come on dear." She placed her hand on my back and guided me into the ship. Jack eyed me wearily, making sure I wouldn't do anything bad.

"Thank you." I kept my head down, nearly embarrassed of my actions. She giggled," Don't worry about it. I have daughter of my own. I'd do anything I could to help her, same goes for anyone." Her statement made me smile, reminding me of my mother and father.

They didn't deserve anything that happened to them. I was determined to set out and find my parents killer, but with no experience behind a weapon I was nothing but useless.

The woman of the name Amari, sat me down in the airship, telling me to buckle up. I did as told, and sat down with a blank face. Too much had flooded my mind, the captain had noticed looked at me with concerning eyes." Something on your mind? It's unusual to see a young woman requesting an airship up a mountain. Especially when she's alone." She smiled, attempting to lighten up the mood.

I sigh,"Is it common for people to come to you guys, overwatch. When their parents were killed?" Her eyes widen and she gave me a concerning look, the other overwatch agents glanced at me. A tear fell down my cheek, my face started to feel hot, and it suddenly become difficult to breathe.

"Dear? Are you ok?" Her tone become frightened and anxious." Dr Ziegler!"

Before I knew it, I'd passed out.

Hiya!! This chapters been a long time coming and I'm happy with it. Im changing my writing style a bit. By putting some extra detail so the story is understood better.

Also.. Thank you for 18k reads!!
You guys are amazing 😸

If you guys could, I'd really appreciate it if you followed me on Instagram: {d.vaax}

Euphoria  ( Genji x reader )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora