You create your own demons

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Robert’s POV

Why the hell do I feel so angry? It’s stupid.

I shouldn’t have talked to Adam like that. But I don’t think I care anymore.

It felt good, despite everything. The pain of losing Jess wasn’t so sharp. My own burden wasn’t so miserably hard to carry.

Jude’s POV

“He has to be around here!” I snapped at Chris.

Mr. Lockhart was starting to panic in the back seat. We’ve been looking for Robert for quite a long time and nothing. Adam called to say he’d tried to get more weed from him, but had left. He couldn’t have gone far. Adam had just called about 20 minutes before.

It wasn’t too long until I heard Chris yelling at me “Watch out!”

Braking hard, I noticed a figure crossing the road out of nothing.


I could have killed him!


“How the hell does he dare to say that when…” Mr. Lockhart interrupted me

“It’s Robert!” he immediately left the car


“He’s right, look!” Chris got out of the car as well.

When I finally did, I saw him. Holy damn. It was him.

I was about to hit my best friend.

And he looked awful. Completely sweated, his breath fastened and his behavior completely insane.

“Robert! Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you all around!” I snapped

“Get away dude. I’m fine.” He aggressively said

“C’mon son, let’s go home” Mr. Lockhart approached him

“NO, I don’t want to go home” he stepped back

“You have to, Robert. Look at you” Chris said, softly, trying to avoid an aggressive Robert

I approached him “Dude, we’re worried, c’mon. We want to help” I held his arm

“You want to help?!” He slapped my hand away and pushed me back “Leave me alone, ok?”

Oh God. This was not Robert.

“Son” His father approached him again. I couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling “I’ve always give you the space you wanted. You know that, right?” He approached him. He didn’t step back, surprisingly “Let’s just go home, you take a bath and sleep for a bit. Then we can talk or…”

“I don’t wanna talk” he replied in a softer tone this time

“Ok, ok… but we can do whatever you want, ok?”  

He seemed calmer, he accepted his father hug after a while. It was an incredibly heartbreaking image to see.

Elsie Lockhart’s POV

I was beginning to get desperate. Despite not having news from my boy for days, now even my husband decided to disappear! It’s been hours!

I called, called and called again. Nothing!

I even called his boss to know if he had heard anything from my husband or if he, for instance, went to work some extra hours and forgot to tell me.

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