#2 9 month anniversary

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You where sitting on the kitchen counter watching the news when you're vision goes black thanks two someone's hands "guess who?" The voice said

You smiled at who you know it was "is it my sexy boyfriend?" You asked "...maybe" he said he took his hands off and kisses you're cheek "heheh ohh babe" you said at his cuteness

"Look what I got you" he said you turned around and he had a bouquet of roses with a card with a pic of you guys together "Liam that's so sweet" you said hugging him tightly and giving him a light kiss on the nose


"Babe!?" You yelled putting your things on the rack when you open the door to you're flat

"Louis?" You asked you walk closer to the stairs but smell something really good

You walk to the kitchen to see Louis sitting on the table on his phone with two plates of spaghetti "hey Lou bear" you said kissing his head

"Babe hey I didn't heard you come in...look I made anniversary dinner" he said pulling the chair for you

"Aww you're so nice" you said and sat down with him

"I love you you know that?" He asked "of course I do babe and I love you too" you said grabbing his hands and smiling at home lucky you are to have a guy like Louis


"Ouch Niall tell me where se are going!" You asked as you stepped on rocks "I can't it's a surprise babe!" He said guiding you by you're hands

You stopped and heard noises "okay what do you hear?" He asked

You started hearing sounds of the ocean waves and the wetness of it on your feet "ocean waves" you smiled when Niall took off the blindfold, you looked around and it was a sheet with candles flower pedals everywhere and plates with bags of Nando's on it "Niall this is the best thing you have ever done for me" you said and kissed his lips as he hugged you waist "all for my princess" he said smiling as he guided you to sit with him


"Man that club was packed!" You said to Harry "I know right?! And the people were so fun except that guy who kept asking for my number" he said

"Hahah that was funny" you laughed and got out of the car you walked to the porch but Harry stopped you. He pulled you by the waist kissing you passionately you pulled away putting your hands on his chest

"What was that for?" You asked "cuz I love you very much and I want you to open the door there something for you Inside" he said giving you the keys

You looked at him confused while opening the door

You saw a little road of roses to the big bathroom you guys have. "Babe what's this?" You said as you walked into you guys bathroom with a bubble bath and candles light up "it's for us...happy anniversary" he said smiling "that is so sweet babe " you said kissing him and moving him in with you to spend the night in romance mode


"What do you want?" The movie said "I want you"

Zayn wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer "babe I'm gonna go get some more popcorn..." He said kissing you're cheek

You took a photo of yourself sitting there and zayns empty seat

@Y/T/N: '@zaynmalik1D he left :'( now I'm just sitting here thinking of you xx'

The door opened and he came in he sat down and took a photo of you too sitting there

@zaynmalik1D: 'I wonder what you where thinking ;) @Y/T/N xx'

You laughed at him and grabbed your popcorn "is there something weird in it?" He asked as you started eating it "no it's taste fine-" you stopped when you felt something hard on your hands you took it out and it was a necklace with a angel wing on it

"Awww it's so cute! Thanks babe" you said kissing his lips lightly "but look.." He said and pulled out a necklace from his pocket and it was a bat wing

"What does this remember you of?" He asked you started thinking and remember

"I'm your lil angel.." You said smiling "and I'm your lil monster" he said smiling

You hovered over him and kissed him passionately he lowered his seat back and put his hands back on you're back and enjoyed your night


hey guys so this is my second one please tell me what my next one should be of I have this ideas like

-you lose your virginity
-first fight
-he hits you and
-he gets emmbaresed in public because of you

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