Chapter 20

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Boomer p.o.v

What the!?

I wake up to a diaper on me, and the bad part is that it's a full one too!

If Bubbles sees me like this she'll laugh at me, and won't like me anymore.

Just thinking about it makes me cry 😢 (aww poor Boomie, I'll cry with you 😭😥)


Oh no, here it comes.

"Bubbles I-

"Boomer you're back!" Bubbles ran up to me, giving me a big hug.

"I missed you," she cried into my shirt.

"What do you mean, you "miss me?" I am very confused.

"Y-you don't remember," she stopped crying and looked straight (as a rainbow xD) at me.

"Well.. um.. for some reason.. you turned into a baby..."

"And I took care of you while you were a baby," Bubbles blushed.

By 'took care of me' does that mean she.. changed.. my diaper.. 0.0

"And.. uh.. so.. now you're back which is kind of weird."

"You turn back to normal the next day Brat.. confessed.. to.. me.. 0.0" Bubbles paused.

"Brat what!?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're back," she giggled hugging me again.

"Um.. Bubbles.. can you please leave now.. so I can get out of this diaper.." I blushed.



Buttercup p.o.v

I still can't stop thinking about that date Butch and I had yesterday.

I never knew Butch could be romantic.

I never thought I'll even be saying Butch and romantic in the same sentence.

"Butter-babe, JJ wants us to go to her house right now, it's important she says," Butch interrupt my thoughts.


"Don't call me that, baka!" I spat.

"Whatever, let's just go," he rolled his eyes.


"Everyone I would like you to meet Benie Wenie- uh.. I mean Ben!" JJ announced. (You happy now book000006)

"Oh, I know you, you're the guy who does truths and dares on us," Brick pointed out.

"Yep I am, glad to see you remember me," he smiled. (Sorry if you don't like smiling)

"Also his favorite ship is blossick so..." JJ started.

JJ then pushed there heads together making them kiss. (kiss fall in love)

Haha blossom kissed a rowdy.. I wish I could kiss a rowdy.

Author p.o.v

"And pictured saved," JJ said hold out her phone.

"Delete that!" Brick yelled.

"Nope," JJ said popping the p and putting her phone in her pocket.

"Oh my boi! I just realised that Boomer is back to normal!" JJ screamed.

"Boomer how did you turn back?" Butch asked.

"I don't know, all I remember is waking up in a diaper," he blushed.

"Ha! We always called you a baby, but now you're a real baby," Butch said laughing along with Brick.

Boomer face was literally all red and Bubbles looked like she needed a stress a ball.

"Shut up, you minikui bakas! (Ugly idiots) I feel bad for Booomie, he had to deal with your crap everyday!" Bubbles swore.

Everyone was silent at Bubbles words until..

"And now I just sit in silence," JJ ruined it.

"Hmm.." Ben said.

"What is it?" JJ asked.

"It's just that.. I don't think that's Blossom," he said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Bubbles asked.

"I'm pretty sure that, that 'Blossom' is an impostor, because she never talked once, and if we all know Blossom, she is a big mouth," Ben pointed out. (No offense Blossom fans, but it's true >~<)

"You're right," Buttercup said.

Ben walked towards Blossom and pulled off HER WIG!?

It was Berserk! (AndiFay this this explain your question about why she couldn't cook)

"What I kissed berserk 2 times!" Brick yelled.

"Yep and I loved it," Berserk winked.

"Where's Blossom, tell me right now, and if you don't I swear I won't hesitate to kill you," Brick threatened her, picking her up by her shirt collar.


Real Blossom p.o.v


I tried yelling for help, but Berserk taped my mouth shut.

I'm never going to get out of here.

And as I said that all I see is Brick getting me out of this box Berserk put me in.

Brick hugged me holding me tight.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize Berserk was you," Brick said.

"It's ok, if Blake pretended to be you I probably wouldn't have notice either you," I hugged him back.

Finally I updated. Also Ben are you Happy now? Also sorry I called you Benie Wenie, that's what I call someone at my school to annoy him xD. Reader-chans do you think I put too much random comments in my story, I'll stop if it annoys you. Also I want your honest opinion, do you think my story is too happy, like do I need a plot twist or someone to 'die' and don't forget you can request ideas and I might do them. Again I'm sorry for not updating I have other stories too you know >~<. Well.. um.. remember to wear your seatbelt xD bye! /866 words/

Question of the day:
Who's your least favorite character from ppg (it can be anyone, even a villain)

All of you are going to hate me, but mine is Blossom, sorry I just don't like her that much.

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