Chapter 4

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Blossom pov

Where did boomer and bubbles go.

Me and buttercup both look at the rrb.

"We didn't take her, we're most likely to take buttercup since she's the strongest," said butch

"Also the guy took boomer too," said brick.

"It could be a girl," blossom said angrily.

"It could be, but it's prob a guy," said brick.

"Or it could still be a girl- why are we even fighting over this,we have to find bubbles and i guess boomer too," blossom yelled.

But right after she said that her and brick were gone.

JJ pov

Hello blossom and brick my name is JJ.

"How do you know our names," brick said.

"I have every power in the world and i'm also half demon," JJ said proudly.

"JJ...," blossom said,"what do you want with us."

"Well i put u two in this beautiful red house so u two can have a connection, i also did the same to bubbles and boomer," JJ said proudly again.

"What!!" they both said.

"Yep and tmr i'm going to do the same thing to buttercup and butch," JJ added.

Blossom and brick both blushed at JJ's words.

"Well you two stay here, i'm going to go get something," JJ said.

Blossom and brick waited in silence until blossom said...

"Ha i was right, i told you it was a girl."

Brick rolled his eyes saying," really we are trapped in a house TOGETHER, and all you care about is if she's a girl or not."

Blossom was speechless, but was saved, not from the bell, but from JJ as she appeared out of no where surprising blossom.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you," JJ says.

"So what did you need to get," brick said curiously.

"This," JJ said as she held up a DVD called bittersweet.

"This movie will get you two a better connection, it's a scary, romantic, and heart warming movie," JJ said putting the CD in.

Right when JJ put the movie in, blossom and brick were "magically" put on there red couch.

~middle of the movie~

Brick mind pov

"How could they kill Haley, that was Megan's (main character) best friend," bricks mind said as the real brick was crying.

~end of movie~

"So at the end of the movie they all died," bricks mind said angrily.

As brick was angry he noticed a sleepy blossom was lying on his lap. Brick was about to wake her up, but saw how cute she was sleeping, and decided to keep her there. Brick fell asleep after admiring blossom.

JJ saw the whole thing and smiled.

I know this is bad, but i tried. Next it's going to be u butchercup fans, hoped you still liked it tho. Bye my kawaii potatoes :).

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