Robbie's sadness

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*This is my second Fanfic about Sportacus and Robbie, I wasn't post some more for a while because of some irl trouble but I'm back with a new story ^^ hope you'll enjoy it*

That was a normal afternoon in Lazytown, kids were playing basketball outside, and suddenly Robbie came out to yell at them : "Why can't you just stay still that's piss me off your little games..." The kids didn't listen to him and ask him if he wanted to play... Robbie couldn't believe his eyes, he says to them with anger "No, I don't want to play with you !!" he then start to run sadly to his lair.

Surprisingly, the kids noticed that Robbie was sad, they decide to call Sportacus to see what's happened with Robbie. Sportacus came as fast as he could and asks the kids "Are you Ok ? It's seems that was an emergency this time ?!" The kids watch Sportacus with admiration and say to him "Well Robbie is sad and we think this time it's important, we never seen him sad before...". Sportacus says "You did great to call me for that, that's surely some big problem."

Sportacus start to run after Robbie, but he already was in his lair, so he invite himself to his lair. Robbie was sitting in his chair without saying a words, just some tears dropping from his face. Sportacus start to approach him without scaring him, but when he came, Robbie seen him and jump out of his chair with surprise "AAAHH.... What... what do you want ? Sportascare" "Well, sorry to coming without warning you before, but the kids saw you crying earlier and was wondering if you were Ok !" "They did what ? No one did that ! I wasn't crying NO !!!" Robbie try to hide his tears behind his hands. "You know Robbie if there is anything you want to tell us about, you can you know, we are friend after all". "Friends ...." he sighs and says to Sportacus "Is that how you see me ?!". "Yes of course, you constantly play with the kids and so am I". Robbie start to get angry, he says to Sportacus "We are NOT friends... like you say, now go away from my lair, I must take a nap". "Well, no problem I will give you some rest, but remember that even if we aren't friend like you said, you could always count on us !!" "Yes yes now go away..." Sportacus get out of Robbie's lair.

The kids were waiting for the news about Robbie, when Sportacus came out, all the kids ask him if Robbie was Ok, and he respond "Sort of... he must be very very pissed off but I couldn't know why. He is taking a nap right now." The kids got an idea but it wouldn't be with the agree of Sportacus so they say to him "Oh, ok we shouldn't disturb him then." Sportacus return to his airship without knowing what the kids wanted to do...

Sometimes, after Sportacus was gone, the kids ask Pixel about his new invention, and how this robot bee could help them. Pixel says "It's a robot bee that could read deep inside the mind of a person, maybe with this we could discover why Robbie was so sad this afternoon. The night began to set and all the kids was ready to go to bed, but when they was all in there bed, they call each others to came to Robbie's lair and use the robot bee of Pixel.

The robot bee was control with a remote and on it there were a screen that could show them the thought and deep mind of the person it's used on.

The robot bee went straight into Robbie's lair and posed itself on Robbie's hair who was in a deep sleep. When the robot bee was posed, the screen on the remote start to switch on. The kids start to watch something appearing on it.

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