Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

It has been 2 months for me to be abused by the guild. They hit me with magics, booze bottles, and other things.

It has been 2 months for me to went home with a lot of bruises, scratches, burn marks, etc.

It hurts me to see that the guild that love their nakama turned into the one that abuse one of their nakama. Especially that I was the one they abuse.

~in the morning ~

I woke up because I felt that it's already morning. I stood up and went to my bathroom.

I undressed, then turned the tap on. While I was waiting for the bathtub to be full, I brushed my teeth.

After I finished brushing my teeth, I checked the water and the water's temperature, and it felt just right. I turned the tap off then went into the bathtub. I looked at my bruised arms, legs, and stomach. I touched it and I hissed. It hurts. But not as much as my heart. I quickly shook my head to stop my negative thoughts. I put in my strawberry and vanilla scented shampoo, and I scrub it on my hair. I also took the same scented soap and scrub it to my body softly. I rinsed my body and hair.

I finished, the I wrap a white, fluffy towel on my body and a white towel for my hair too. I walked to the closet, took my undergarments and my clothes. I wore it all and then, walked to the mirror. I wore a    pink T-shirt and trousers. I also wore a black hoodie to cover the bruises. I then put on my belt with my celestial keys. I brushed my hair and tied it into a side pony tail. I walked out of my bathroom to my living room. I took out my black combat boots, then wore it.

I then walked out of my apartment then locked the door. I walked thought the streets, beside the river. "Be careful not to fall, miss Lucy." I heard the men on the boat shouted. I smiled then answered " I won't. " I then walked to the guild. I saw the guild's entrance then prepared my self to be abused.

I walked trough the door, then heard

"Fire dragon's roar."

I felt the fire burning my hoodie and also my flesh. I did not scream. Because I learnt that if i scream, my guild mates will abuse you more.

I looked up and saw Dragneel. Yep. You heard it right. I called him Dragneel. Since i really despise him right now.

I slowly stood up. Ignoring the pain i felt, then walked to the bar counter while getting hit by booze bottles, magics, and other stuff.

When i got to the counter, i am greeted by a smiling Mirajane. "Good morning Lucy."

"Good morning, Mira. Can i have a strawberry milkshake please ?"

"Coming right up!" she said smiling, then turned to go make the drink.

"Good morning Lucy-san" Wendy greeted, then sat on the chair beside mine.

"Good morning to you too Wendy-chan!" i greeted by smiling too.

"Umm... Lucy-san, do you wanna go on a job with me ?" Wendy said while fiddling her fingers.

"Hmm... I don't know but, i think i can't. I am going to stay at the guild."
I said while patting her head, smiling softly.

"Okay then... See you later Lucy-san! I am gonna go and do the mission right now." Wendy said while waving and running to the entrance with Carla.

"Bye !" I waved back.

Before the milkshake i ordered even came, i was thrown around like a toy and being hit by a lot of things.

"Go away you weakling! You ain't family to us. You are just a replacement for Lisanna." Natsu said. The others laughed at my weak state.

I've had enough.

I stood up straight, went to master's office. I knocked 3 times until i heard a mumbled 'come in.'

I opened the door and saw stacks of papers on the table with some scattered papers on the floor. I walked to the table and took a seat in front of the table.

Master peeked through the small gap from the paper then asked

"what do you need Lucy ?"

"Master, i wanna quit the guild." i said confidently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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