"Nice try. Now you don't get any food for the next three days." He says and the unlocks the door and walks out.

I lay here in the floor crying hoping that someone will come and save me. How the heck am I going to get out of here?

Shawns POV

I have no idea where Bella is. As soon as I got clothes on I tried to find her to explain to her that the girl I was texting was an old friend. She's going through some family problems and I've been helping her through it.

I should have told her from the beginning what was going on. I just didn't know how she'd react to me talking to another girl all the time.

I would never cheat on Bella. I love her. I've tried calling her phone a hundred times. I even called her manager and now I'm at the studio with him and Andrew because we are really getting worried.

"She's been gone for five hours! Something is wrong, I know it." I say as we all try to get in contact with Bella.

"We need to call the cops. But no one says anything to the public. The last thing we need is people freaking out. If something did happen and people find out then it'll only make it harder for us to find her." Andrew says and I nod.

A few tears shed from my eyes and John comes and gives me a hug.

"We're going to find her Shawn." He says and pats me on the back.

I get out my phone and try calling her one more time, this time the call gets answered.

"Hello?" I hear a guy's voice say.

"Who is this? Where's Bella?!" I get up and say and everyone looks at me.

"I wouldn't worry about that. You should watch out for yourself. You took her from me so I'm taking her from you." He says and with that I know exactly who it is.

"Mason. I swear if you hurt her-" I get cut off by his laughing. 

"You know what why don't I let you talk to her for a little while?" He says and then I hear silence for a minuet.  My heart is beating really hard and I'm so scared and worried.

"Shawn? Shawn are you there?!" I hear her beautiful voice but I can tell she's scared.

"Yes Bella I'm here! Where are you? Did he hurt you?" I say and I hear her cry a little bit.

"Yes but not too bad. I don't know where I am. It's not just Mason it's Lauren too. Shawn I'm scared." She says softly and tears come flowing down my face. Why would Lauren do this? She's gone insane!

"I'm gonna find you baby girl. I promise. I love you." I say and I can hear her breathing into the phone.

"I love you too Shawn." She says and then Mason takes the phone back.

"Aww that was just the sweetest. Sorry to break it to you Shawn, but you're never going to find her." Mason says and laughs. My blood boils with anger and I slam my fist down on the table.

"I swear to you I'll find her, and I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do." I say and then he hangs up.

"Shawn what the hell just happened?" Andrew asks me and I grab my jacket to leave. "Shawn." John says and grabs my arm.

I tell them what's going on and then there is a silence.

"You can't go looking for her Shawn. I'm sorry but it's too dangerous, we need to leave it to the police." Andrew says.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that." I say and walk out of the building.


It's been almost a week. I've tried escaping, but I always fail. They always lock the door. All I know is that they leave every day for exactly an hour to go somewhere.

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