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All I could think on my head at this moment was "is he ok".it kept rushing through my head how his dad beat him I hate seeing him in pain it hurts me to see one of my friends in tears.

I make it to Hoseoks door and I can hear his dad screaming somewhere in the house Im freaking out right now cause his dad uses that tone at Hoseok so I open the door cause it's always unlocked and I see this pile of blood leading to Hoseoks room.

"HOSEOK ARE YOU OK?!"I said banging on the door

"I-I-I'm o-o-ok h-h-Hyung"Hoseok said while opening his door in tears and shaken hands

"OH MY GOSH,HOSEOK WHAT HE DO TO YOU"I said pulling him immediately into a hug

"I--it h-h-hurts"Hoseok said into my ear pulling me tightly not letting me go

"Hoseok let's get out of here before your dad does something crazy again"I said carrying him bridal style

While I was bringing him to my car i could feel something in his back I push alittle to see if it was just his shirt but then Hoseok hissed in pain and told me to stop pushing his back of course i did cause I don't want him in pain anymore but I need to see what is on him I can't let him whimper and cry because of it.

20 minutes later

I arrived at my home and brung him to my room to rest but he kept on getting up and saying "IT HURTS YOONGI"I been trying to tell him to let me see but he says no cause he doesn't want me to feel bad but he's making me feel bad anyway cause he won't let me see.

"Hoseok-ah please let me see you back"

"No Hyung I don't want you to feel bad for the fifth time"

I just turn him around and pull his shirt up and all I see is two spikes in his back and tons of blue bruises covering him.

"Hoseok why didn't you run away from that crazy"

"He wouldn't let me go,and I was to scared to go anyway"

"Please Hoseok just stay here with me please so you don't get abused anymore I hate this"

All he did was stare at me then hugged me tightly and started to cry.

"Wh-whats wrong Hoseok?"

"Hy-Hyung my back it's hu-hurting a-again"

"Come here"I said pulling out of the hug and sit him down on the floor

I want to get these spikes out of him and i want to bandage him up to.I don't mean to hurt him but it's hurting him to much

"Ok ,Hoseok I'm gonna pull these spikes out of your back ok?"

"Hy-Hyung c-can I h-h-hug you th-then cause I'm g-going to scream and I don't wanna wake u-up your pa-parents"

I just nods

He hugs me tightly while his hands are digging into my skin it hurts little bit but at this moment I do not care about anything anymore I just want my friend to be ok.

"Ok ready?"

Hoseok nods

I pinched one of the spikes in his back and slightly pulled alittle out and Hoseok dug his fingers into my shoulder screaming,whining,and crying

I pulled on it more but much longer and Hoseok was badly in pain because of me pulling it out

"I'm sorry Hoseok"

"I-i-its o-o-o-ok hyu-Hyung just p-please get it o-out"

I could tell by Hoseoks tone He was hurting and wanted to be done so I pulled the rest out of him and let him breathe alittle before the other one cause right now he was a red teary eyed freak right now not trying to be mean but it's the truth

My confession[yoonseok]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora