19 - The Millers are visiting

Start from the beginning

"Hi John." Bob gave his brother a firm handshake. "I wanted to thank you for saving my family. Who knows what would have happened to them if you hadn't come to their rescue."

"Um," John began, clearly uncomfortable. "Anyone would have done it."

Kelly cut in, "Well, I beg to differ."

As did Dave, but he decided not to voice his opinion, at least not now.

"Bob, Kelly, this is Dave. He is my brother," John introduced him, "and these are Julie Caulfield, Evan Lorne and Dr. Becket."

Dave then noticed that John hadn't introduced Evan or Julie as their siblings which in his mind would have been the polite thing to do. He looked over to Evan who seemed totally unfazed. Julie looked puzzled but Dave noticed Evan tight grip on her hand as he returned her quizzical look with a wordless plea. It hit him, that John was fully intended to keep their blood relationship a secret. Of course they had talked about the problems that could arise for the two of them but it wasn't until now that Dave realized how much trouble John was expecting. Apparently Evan knew John was doing this to protect them both and for him, that was it. Dave focused back on the Millers when they addressed him:


"Bob, Kelly. Hello, Shannon. Hello. Tommy."

Dr. Becket left them after the greeting was over and the Millers focused on John and himself.

"I draw a pictu' for you." Shannon walked towards John and offered her gift to him and again his brother astonished him. He wouldn't have expected John to be comfortable around children, but John clearly relaxed when he started to praise the little girl. Soon Tommy joined them. Bob had an arm around his wife as they along with everyone else in the room enjoyed the little show.

"Let me see. Well, is this you?" John pointed at a small figure on the picture.

Shannon nodded. "Yes and t'is you. See you carryin' me."

"I see that. And you even drew my boots." John pointed to the picture were a black stick-figure with a much too big head could be seen whose feet were stuck in some kind of giant boots that looked more like boats with a shaft if you didn't look at the picture with the much-needed affection to the artist. Clearly John had much affection for the little girl.

"They were easy," Shannon answered with clear proud in her voice.

"Well done!" praised John. "Your drawing is very good Shannon. You actually used all the different colors for the fire too." David noticed John pointing to circles of yellow and red all over the picture.

Despite her obvious pride only moments earlier John the little girl asked more insecurely now, "You really think so?"

"Of course! Look I put it right here up on the wall. Carson could I get some tape to hang up this wonderful picture?"

"Of course, lad. I'll be right back." And sure enough he returned only moments later and with John's help Shannon hung her picture on the wall.

"See. Now I can show it off to everyone," John said to the girl, which made her giggle in delight. As they continued their discussion about drawing, Dave remembered how his little brother used to sit and watch their mom paint while he was telling her everything that crossed his mind. John had loved talking to their mom. He never did so with their father. That occurred to him only now. How come he never noticed before? Okay he had been a child himself back then but now it was so obvious. It wasn't that their father wouldn't listen when John tried to talk to him. He just wasn't able to grab what John tried to tell with his stories, much like himself. He only remembered John's laconic or even angry remarks of the last years before the fallout. But these last days he had seen his brother much more open than he had in years.

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