19 - The Millers are visiting

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Dave's POV

It was mid-morning when Dave came by to visit his brothers, upset about the news he had received the day before while checking in with his company. He had been made aware that some problems had arisen with one of his latest projects and unfortunately it wasn't one of those things he could work out over the phone. So he had to return home to clear things on Monday. Dave didn't like it one bit.

Okay, John was doing better now but he hadn't seen him for such a long time and was only now realizing what he had missed all those years. Seeing the easy banter between John and Evan... well if he was honest with himself, he'd very much like that for himself. But John and he had always been so different and for too many years he had focused on that. Ever since they talked after their dad's funeral he had wanted to mend at least some fences. And now once again the company was interfering.

And then there was Evan, their baby-brother, as John had named him lately. Dave had to smile at the memory. Evan hadn't been thrilled about it but seemed ready to let it slip, although Dave couldn't figure out why. Soon enough both his brothers would have to return to their base and John had already made it clear last time, that leave wasn't something that he got very often.

His mother and the family had stayed behind and would join with them later. They had mumbled something along the line of sibling-bonding.

"Look," Dave said to both his brothers. "I'm sorry but I won't be able to solve this over the phone." He sighed.

"It's okay, Dave. Really I understand," John assured him, but Dave could tell that both his brother, while being sympathetic, was also disappointed.

Before Dave had a chance to express his regret over the situation once more, Carson walked in.

"Hello Colonel, Major, Mr. Sheppard, Julie."

Julie had insisted in Carson calling her by her given name, whereas Dave as much as he liked the doctor hadn't felt the need to do so himself. Even more so because he called his brothers by their rank. But Julie wasn't one to bother with etiquette or formalities and he wouldn't have her any other way.

"Hello Carson!" His siblings greeted back while Dave said, "Good morning Dr. Becket."

Dave noticed the bright smile on the doctor's face.

"I wanted tell you the good news as soon as we agreed on them."

Everyone was looking at him expectantly when he continued, "Major you ecg came out clear these last days and therefore you'll be released this afternoon."

"That's great news!" Evan exclaimed with a bright smile on his face but then he turned serious, "Doc, what about John?"

Julie let go of her brother whom she'd hugged immediately, looking tense.

"Well, the Colonel his doing better but I'm afraid, lad, your breathing is still giving us grief. I'd like you to get checked anew by your pulmonary specialist who will be back on Monday. It's up to him then to release you, since I got a call from the SGC this morning..."

He let it hang there and though neither John nor Evan had told him what SGC actually stood for Dave knew that Carson had been ordered back. Before Dave had the chance to ask Dr. Becket for further advice about John's appointments someone knocked at the door and entered. A couple with two children walked in, stopping reluctantly when they noticed the others visitors.

"Kelly!" John exclaimed surprised. "And Shannon and Tommy."

"Um, hello John. This is my husband, Bob."

"Hi, Bob."

"Bob this is John, the man who saved Shannon and I."

Much to his astonishment Dave noticed his brother going shy upon her words. Shouldn't he be pleased to get a thank-you from the family he'd rescued? Sure, he'd shied him from the press who had printed a large article about the burning and the stranger that came to the families rescue. Once the journalists knew John's name and had done some background research they had been eager to get an interview with him and of course John after he had regained consciousness. Dave had turned all these requests down, knowing his brother well enough that to know they'd be highly unwished-for. Somehow they had been able to get hold of a service picture of John to put with the articles.

Brothers in ArmsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora