"He doesn't have to know you to like you, Khlo.", Perrie smiled at me as my eyes caught her's.

"That's why we need to convince her to go tonight! He wants to see her!"

"Wait, what?", Liz looked from me to Eleanor, then back to me. "You're not going?" I just shrugged, shaking my head. And great, this is where the guilt comes in. "What did you plan on doing all night, exactly?"

I don't really know, but anything is better than going to that stupid frat house party where the girls are drunk and nearly naked, and the guys are high and horny. I really don't feel like taking part in that.

"I dunno. Watch a movie or read a book, or something."

All three busted into laughter. I looked between all three of them. What's so bad about not wanting to go? Not everyone shares that same interest!

"W-watch a movie? Over a party? Are you nuts?", Liz asked, earning a slap on the side of the head from Perrie as she tried to shake off the smile that was constantly moulded to her face.

"What she means is, Khlo, you would want to sit home by yourself why all of your friends are out having fun?" Okay..that didn't sound any better. Only made me feel worse.

I understand that I'm in college and am suppose to be going to parties, and living my life, but I can't when I have a constant reminder of what could happen.

I don't want to get drunk. I don't want to end up in a hospital again. I don't feel like being raped. And I don't want to run into Niall. What other better way to avoid all of that then by staying in the dorms?

"Listen, guys." I sighed, looking to all three girls. "It's not that I want to sit alone by myself, but I just can't go, okay? Trust me. If I could I would." They all looked puzzled at me, knitting their eyebrows together.

They don't know the story, and honestly, I don't plan on sharing it to them yet. No offense or anything, but I'm just not totally comfortable with telling them some of my more kept secrets yet. We've only known each other about two weeks.

Gemma still doesn't even know.

"Just..", I sighed and shook my head. I don't know how to make this easier. "Never mind.."

They looked at me for a few seconds, still confused.

"Okay! I've got notes to get to!", El broke the awkward silence, as she pulled out her laptop. We all looked to her, chuckling.
My phone buzzed, pulling my attention to my pocket. I pulled it out to see an unknown number had text me.


Hope to see you tonight. :)

I furrowed my eyebrows, rereading it. Okay... it's not Niall's, because after the other day, I saved it so I would know if he texted me again. But who else would have my number? Gemma, El, and Liam are the only one's I'd given it to.

To: (638)489-3327

Who is this?


Luke sorry

I felt my cheeks heat. Oh shit. How did Luke have my number? Not that I'm exactly complaining, but I don't remember giving it to him. Not unless Liam did, but I feel like he would have asked me if it was okay first?

I quickly added him to my contacts, and replied, not wanting to be one of those annoying girls who take hours to reply. Not to him anyways.

To: Luke H.

Oh! haha it's fine. How'd you get my number?

He responded almost instantly, making my stomach flutter as I now know that I am actually texting him. I hate, yet love this feeling he gives me.

Luke H.-

Niall's phone. Is that okay? Lol

I chuckled to myself, hoping that none of the girls were paying attention to me. Is that okay? I love how polite he is. Unlike Niall who is just straight up an ass. "Sorry about tonight, babe. Could have been you" who the hell says that? And to a girl he doesn't even know?!

To: Luke H.

Yeah it's okay :) Does he know?

Luke H.-

Nope:) shhhhh!

I blushed harder, reading the text to myself. I chuckled loudly this time. Shit. I glanced up to see all the girls had stopped talking, and had looked straight to me. Oh my gosh, please don't ask questions.....

"Are you blushing?", Liz asked the one I most certainly did not want to answer, nor even talk about because I could feel that my cheeks were literally on fire. And her pointing it out only made then burn more.

"Ummm.. no?"

"You so are! who are you texting?", El asked this time, trying to look at my phone. I held it to my chest, smiling. My whole face was hotter than a hot tamale, including the tip of my ears.

"No one?" Just then, my phone buzzed again in my hands. I felt my stomach flip as the girls all looked at each other. I fumbled to stand up quickly as they all raced over to me, trying to reach for the phone. Oh hell no, was I letting them know about Luke having my number.... Not a good combination. Either they'll find a way to force us together in a tight room, or they'll start texting him telling him stuff about me, and to like ask me out or something. Not that I wouldn't mind that, just not when I first met the guy! I mean, I've seen him twice! We don't even know each other.

I sprinted to the bathroom as soon as I got my ankles free, locking the door behind me. They continued to bang on the wooden door and shout at me. Oh my, I think I may have just gotten myself into some trouble.

Luke H.-

I don't feel like getting my ass kicked from going through his phone, so can this be a secret? :)

I smiled and nodded, quickly remembering that he couldn't actually see me. I sent a smile back, along with a 'sure'.

It's like I'm in ninth grade again. The crushes and the butterflies. The blushing and the weird feelings. It's all so much, but such a wonderful feeling. Like I'm a little kid again.

Luke H.-

You never answered my question... :(

To:Luke H.

What question?

Luke H. -

The one about seeing you tonight? Hopefully? :)

I smiled. I cannot believe I'm going to do this.

To: Luke H.


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