Chapter one - Royals

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Ryan P.O.V

I pressed my ear against the door where the loud voices from my parents came from. I was done with everything they told me to do. My brothers were always acting like they were the ideal children, just doing what my parents told them to do. It annoyed me, but I really couldn't do anything about it. I was the youngest brother. My older  four brothers always hated on me, because I looked different in their eyes. I didn't wear fancy suites and I didn't do a contest who could seduce the most ladies in a day. They talked in a fancy language and I was okay with how a normal guy from my age would talk. My eldest brother, Maxium, also known as Max, always locked me up in my room. Or my bathroom. I was just fifteen, he was was twenty-two. A difference from seven years was way too big. And he was a really tall guy. I was really small, even for my age. The thing that bothered me the most was that everyone could get what they wanted, except me. My brothers could get a new, expensive game if they wanted to. Not that they really wanted that, they probably were to busy with searching for a wife. Anyway, if I wanted a new game, my parents would only laugh and answer nothing. They thought that games were a waste of time. They honestly thought that about everything that was fun, in my opinion. I had to go to school and learn some real things. School meant, in this family, sitting in a little room, staring at a old woman and acting like you understood everything she told you. If  you convinced here that you understood it, then she would  just left you. My brothers already finished school. They could just do it without even studying. I asked them how they did it, but they didn't said anything at all, like always. There actually were moments that I felt lonely. And on those moments I thought about what a normal guy could do on that moment. Probably not a lot, but more than I did. I was just laying on my bed.

Anyway, I heard the loud voices from my parents. I was almost sure that you could hear them through the whole castle. But nobody accept me was trying to find out why they were yelling and what it was about. I tried to stay focussed on my ears and pushed my body against door, without making any sounds. No, more like trying to make less sound. I wasn't an assassin. That sucked, yes. If I was one.. Everything could be better then. Just hiding anywhere you want to, staring at people without they see you, climbing walls and more awesome things that I couldn't do. I little sigh left my lips. The voices became louder and louder. This wasn't just a discussion anymore, it was a really fight. No, war. It had to be very important, where they were talking about. That was quite obvious, because they never had a fight. They knew that we were being watched, in which way? They didn't knew. And they just got me out of everything that happened. Even when the house would be on fire, yes, then they would probably say that I have to go outside and do nothing. Oh, and I probably couldn't go sit on the ground, that was dirty and princes didn't sit where it was dirty. They didn't understand how hard is was to live with these people. All freaked out about how they looked and their rank. My sixteen year old brother Nathan was less bad than the others. There actually were times that I had fun with him, but if my parents saw that.. I would be locked up in my room and he was still free, even though he started it.

"It's our son Rose! Not only yours. I'm your husband, not any other king! I care about him too!"

I assumed that they were talking about Nathan. He came out of the closet and told my parents he wanted to marry a guy. He met one, but was too shy to even ask him if he had a boyfriend. He knew the guy liked guys, so there was one thing he knew for sure. Nathan was te only one I loved in the family. No other person loved me, so why would I love them? Yes, that's what I thought.

"He has to marry a beautiful young lady! I can't accept another son to marry a weird boy!"

What did she say? Another boy? Did I missed out on something? Nobody told me that there were two guys who were gay. I heard about just one. But why would they tell me it, I'm just their son! One of their son's. Who would care about their son? EVERYBODY ACCEPT MY PARENTS.

"What can we do about it? We can't just make him love a lady. That's impossible. You can't change someones sexual orientation that simple. That takes years. And he is so disobedient.."

How could they say that? If that was about Nathan.. Yes, he was disobedient, but everyone thought that was my fault. Was it? I just talked to him. And he decided to talk back. That was kind, not disobedient. The others were just mean. They couldn't me talking about Nathan. That was just mean.

"We can cast a spell on him, on his birthday. We can just tell him that it makes him grow faster or something like that.."

I couldn't hold it in anymore. My body was filled with rage. I pushed the door open and opened my mouth.

"Do you think it's normal to yell about one of your son's in the evening?! And about Nathan his sexual orientation? LET HIM BE WHO HE WANTS TO BE! If its not me, then, please Nathan. He deserves it more than Max."

My parents stared at me, mouth open and widened eyes. They looked at each other with a deathly look in their eyes. Uh-Oh. I made them very mad..

"Ryanel Rosewood! What did you just say to us?"

my dad said. I gulped and looked down at my bare feet.

"His name is Maxium. And Nathaniel."

my mom said. Yes, we all got those weird royal name. If you called someone by another thing, my mom would probably try to kill you. So watch out. If you ever meet me and my mom watches over us, call be Ryanel, even though you hate that name as much as I do.

"Were you spying on us? And why do you care about Nathaniel? You hate every brother, don't you?"

I clinched my fist and tried to hold everything that I wanted to say in. I calmly walked into the room. Max wasn't here. I could just scream and shout whatever I wanted, my parents did nothing but shout at me. My parents were awfully bad at being a parent, they gave Max permission to slap me if it was necessary. And he didn't use that the right way.

"Yes I did, mother and father. But I could even listen to your amazing voices when I was in my room,"

I muttered. I was talking in the fancy language, because my dad really looked like he could explode any second. It made me grin, but I tried to hide that. Not really in a fortunate way. I probably looked like a weirdo to my parents now. Not that they didn't thought that yet.

"Mom, dad, you know what it is? MAX IS THE BIGGEST LOSER I'VE EVER KN-"

I was cut off by a hand, covering my mouth. I didn't dare to look behind me. I hoped from the bottom of my heart that Nathan stopped me. But I heard a dangerous voice talking to my mom and dad. Max.


Yay chapter one is done. I wrote this in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep. It's written on my phone and so much grammar sucking moments. But what do you think? :D

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