The biggest question!!

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THE BIGGEST QUESTION IN MY LIFE IS WHERE WILL I SPEND ETERNITY {} All my life I have been running! Running from what? From who, to where? Minutes after the accident I couldn't breathe the seatbelt had tightened up, besides tearing my intestines apart, my lungs were shut down. This left me gasping for air .I was born a asthmatic so I have always had trouble breathing .But this was something different! I couldn't catch that second wind. I could not get any air into my lungs. I was literally suffocating.

In "Serendipity" volume (1) I didn't go into detail about the coma that was induced when I got to the hospital. It was more of recordings by a amazing lady that was rewritten. In this book I get to express myself a little more freely. Due to lawyers I cannot talk too much about the actual accident or whose fault it was...

The doctors found out I was internally bleeding. After closer observation they realized they had to get me to the operating room. I have flashes of the doctors telling me to hang in there, being rushed through the hospital on a gurney constant beeping. Loud noises, then it began I was running, like running from an infected pit bull, Olympic medalist Carl Lewis running! Running for my life! I am running from all the evils that I have been doing in the past. The Hindus have a saying "that all the evil things you have done in your present life will continue to haunt you in the next life". KARMA! But I believe in GOD and the power of his son! He is a GOD of love and he wouldn't purposely give me something I could not handle. Like momma use to say 'if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger'.

God was showing me where I could end up if I didn't get my act together. I was in this dream state but I felt conscience. I was literally being chased by demons. There were five of them.{The number 5 will play a significant role in the next five years of my life} They were big with ripping muscles and faces of evil animals. The little one who was three times my size was always right behind me. Taunting me, saying you will be back!!I think he may have been the leader. He was getting closer and closer; I could feel and smell his breath. Sulfur mixed with a foul odor. That I still smell sometimes while I'm driving, walking, or in a deep conversation with someone. I would get a whiff of that smell and I would get put in some type of trance. "Space out" "drift" The doctors say it's a trigger that sparks the memories of my trauma.

I would smell that smell and I would drift...I would here screech tires and I would drift. Drift off to pass events in my life. The memories would be so clear, crystal clear h. d .t. v clear! So this book is just that my thoughts my most intimate thoughts a raw and uncut look into the life after. When I say life after, I mean, my life after the car accident. Instead of running from the pain I now run towards it! So follow me as I drift through this journey of healing .The power of God, FAMILY, and learning to grow mentally, spiritually, and physically. And the most beautiful love of all, the love of GOD. I am learning to follow his son's footsteps.

I am like a baby learning to crawl. I had a near death experience and these are my accounts, my thoughts. My heart did not stop and I was never preannounced dead. But I promise you I was not in this world. I did not see a light at the end of a tunnel. I did see darkness and evil. Make peace with God and your loved ones. Not everyone gets to heaven....I am not perfect I still make mistakes to this day. I try not to make the same mistakes as I use to. I'M the first to admit THIS LIFE IS HARD. But life is BEAUTIFUL! My Faith has allowed me to open my heart to something I can't see but I can feel. I have been blessed so it would be spiritually criminal if i do not bless others. All things happen for a reason, and I believe my reason is just this: to get this book in the hands of people who are right on the edge. Don't jump! To the lady in the hospital fighting the grip of breast cancer, don't give in keep fighting. To that man with a loaded gun in that dark hotel room drugged out, and has lost his family. You can and will overcome! To that child who continues to get bullied and teased at school, don't give up God loves you... I love you!!We must fight this spiritual war with the word of God!!!You can do all things through him!

Daily Affirmation: At times we don't understand the hand that life has dealt to us. Just be thankful that we have one to play with!!!

Malik kaume-dau..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2012 ⏰

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