Chapter 5

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2 Days Later
Mount Justice
Med Bay


Batman wake up, his eyes blinking slowly, adjusting with the light. He groans and looks around. Med Bay, he thought. He's on a bed, surrounded with a green curtain. He looks on his side, he could see his cowl and Batman's suit.

He quickly touch his own face, he wear a domino mask. He sighed. He looks on his arm, an IV drip. His body wrapped in bandage and he wore a  green patient clothes. He tried to recollect his memory about what just happened.

"Ollie... Dammit! "He brush his hair with his fingers and letting out a second sigh. He could feels another presence in the room, one person he knew.

He grab the curtain by his side and swipe it open by little. He could see Dick, like him. Covered with bandage and injected with IV drip. He still wear his domino mask, but his bed aren't covered with curtain like Bruce.

JLA were respecting his privacy. He compliments them in silent. His eyes still looking at Dick, from top to his bottom. Bruce rubs his forehead

What have I done?

I should've look out for Dick more.

He feels guilty, he just realized what he do wrong. He close his curtain back and lie down on his bed. He grab his glove and open a visual hologram.

It's been 2 days and all villains has been sent back to Arkham by the Justice League and the covert team.

A voice cracks away the silent.

"You're awake, Bruce?" Asked the voice from the other side of the curtain.

"I am. How do you feels Dick?" Bruce put the glove back on the drawer on the bed's side and lay down on the bed.

"I feels whelmed and refreshing" Dick chuckles.


"Yes Bruce?"

"Why didn't you tell me you was exhausted? I didn't believe it until I heard it coming from you."

There's a slight pause and silent between the both of them before Dick answer,

"If I told you. You'll told me to take a break, and you will go alone, fighting crimes. And.... You won't have any break.. not even 3 minutes nap.." Dick looks to the opposite wall.

"Dick, you know it's my job-"

"I don't want my tati to suffered alone! Bruce, you didn't tell me that you've reached your limits too" Dick gritted his teeth before he continue,

"I... I purposely turned off the link comm and come to the Cave to take a rest instead of the Bat Cave, so that you'll come to me and.. making the League to take you down so you could have a rest."

A sobs could be heard from the boy. He wipes his tears.

Bruce rubs his own devastated face, ".. I'm sorry Dick. I'm not a good father to you"

Dick who is still wiping his tears that was leaking out from his mask reply to his mentor, "No tati, you're good enough for me"

Again, a slight pause coming from the two.

"Let's watch movie when we get out of here, okay?" Bruce peek from the curtain. He could see the boy's back.

"No Jay, Tim and Damian?" The boy looks back a little.

"Just the two of us" Bruce gives him a smile before a widest smiles come from the boy. He feels like his injuries has been fully healed.

"Okay!! I wanted to watch Finding Dory! Is that okay?"

"Whatever you wanted, son."

Dick stand up on his bed and hopping with a WOOHOOOO voice.

The med bay's door opened and the young members rushing in when they heard the loud voice. Coming with them were Flash, Black Canary and Superman.

They found a happy Robin hopping on the bed with an IV drip still connected on his arm. A fully curtain covered is located on his left side, and no one ever dare to peek in.

"What happened, Robin?" M'gann asked, looking up and down at the hopping boy.

"Tati is taking me to the movie!!! Tati is taking me to the movie!!!"

Black Canary smiles and sighing, she comes towards the boy and trying to calm him down, "Haha, okay now Robin. Calm down, you're going to re-open your wounds and your IV drip"

Robin sit down on the bed, looking at Black Canary with a wide smiles. Black Canary hold Robin's arm to check the IV injection.

"Sometimes I forgot that Robin is still a thirteen years old kid" Wally looks at the bandaged teen.

"What's tati?" Conner ask Superman and Flash.

"Father/Batman" replied Flash/Superman.

All of them surprised, with a widen eyes, they said one word.


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