Chapter three - Don't underestimate us

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"I know we don't get along." Genta said to me as we sat in the bench side by side. "But I can see what you are doing with our team and I agree that they need to work together more. Reina has told me that it's hard for you to trust people. You especially being the gang leader have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders." he had lowered his voice here, so Himuro who is concentrating on watching the game wouldn't hear. I knew that Genta had remembered me. I'm not surprised that Reina has talked about me to him either. She did think they were going to end up together. "So I think we should try and work together and make this team what you want it to be. What do you say?" I hesitated. I don't want to think of the Kaijo basketball team as an extension of my gang but if I did then I would be able to coach better. Even though I feel accepted by this team, I always have this doubt. I don't like the thought of people hating me, that's why I reframed from making friends at school. "I haven't been with Kaijo for very long but I treasure the basketball team greatly. I want them to prosper. So yes, let's begin working together." I took his hand and shook it firmly. Trusting people is the first step I have to take. . . Not only for this team but for myself. "I was honestly going to let things play out but this loss will not teach them anything, it is time for me to step in." Genta nodded his head in agreement. "Yes. Let's pull out Kise. Let him watch you show him what playing as a team is." The man got up and walked over to the announcers behind the microphone. "You're going to play Senpai?" Tokiya asked me. Tokiya is a first year along with Kise and I. He is actually in our class and we get along quite well. "I told you not to call me that. Chihiro is fine." I said with a smile as the referee blew his whistle. "Kaijo player change!" He stated. The team looked over at me from their positions on the court, curious expressions plastered on their faces. "Kii-Kun. You're off." I called to him. "What? Why? There's five minutes left! Who is going to take Kagamicchi on?" He came over and stood at the line as he had to high five whoever was going to replace him. "Just sit and watch carefully okay? I am doing this so you will learn." I pulled off my sweater and revealed my jersey. "I'll take care of them." Kise hesitated then tapped my raised hand. "You owe me for pulling me out." I rolled my eyes and entered the court. The members of Seirin staring at me with great intensity, the entire atmosphere of the court has changed with my presence. "Chihiro - Kun. What are you planning?" Kasamatsu asked as he was the first to approach me. I pulled his jersey and he bent over, listening intently to what I have to say.

He nodded along the farther we got into the conversation and grinned at my idea. "Alright! Let's go!" He signaled to our teammates as we moved into position. "So you're actually a player?" Kagami asked as I stood in front of him. "I never said I wasn't, you didn't ask. I'll forgive you for what you said to me the other day, but I will show you no mercy today." The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes at me. "It wouldn't be fun if you did." I laughed and moved around him as the ball moved into play. Kasamatsu threw me the ball and immediately afterwards, both Kagami and Kuroko moved into action. Kuroko was out back in the game in the third quarter. I worry about his health but it was his call. "Sorry Kuro - Kun, I can't give you this win." I moved the ball far right, just out of his reach as he had gone to tap it out of my hand. "No you don't, not this time!" Kagami yelled as he tried to get in my way. I tossed the ball around him and over to Moriyama who wasn't expecting me to pass at all. "Let's go my prince!" I called to him. Moriyama snapped into over kill mode and roared forwards, taking a shot from the three point line. "I'll do anything for you princess!" He screamed as it swooshed into the net. "Wow. . .it did work." Kobori sighed as he highfived me. Don't sorry Senpai I have more up my sleeve. Izuki dribbled the ball down the court, his eyes flicking back and fourth. He has eagle eye and can see the court in various different angles. This allows him to choose the most accurate course of action, which makes him easily predictable. Kasamatsu moved in the play in told him to and easily intercepted the ball that Izuki had intended to pass to Hyuga, who has been on a three pointer streak since the third period. I dashed around Kagami and caught the ball Kasamatsu had thrown for me, throwing it then to the net and purposely making it a rebound. "I'll get all the rebounds!" Hayakawa yelled as he somehow caught the ball before Mitobe or Hyuga could grab it. I smiled to myself, now we are getting somewhere. "Come on! Last few seconds!" Kasamatsu said, dribbling the ball down the court. "Face me one on one. Stop avoiding me." Kagami growled as I caught the ball. "I am not avoiding you. You've been avoiding me." His eyes flared with an indescribable anger at that moment. I had succeeded at provoking him. Taking my chance I spun around him in a full three sixty. Kagami hadn't experienced a move like this one and didn't know how to prevent me from moving forwards. "Better luck next time." I said as I jumped from the center line. The ball left my hands and soared into a high arc, much like when Midoriama shoots and landed spot on without touching the rim. "Kaijo wins one hundred and twenty to ninety eight." "Good job Chihiro!" Kasamatsu exclaimed as he punched my shoulder. "I don't think we could have gotten that back without you princess." Moriyama sighed, kissing my hand. "Line up!" The ref called. "Thanks for the game!" We all said together bowing. "I get it Chihirocchi!" Kise exclaimed tackling me from behind. I staggered forwards and nearly hit Kuroko going forwards but Himuro had cushioned my fall. "Thank you." I said as I stood myself upright. Kise needs to chiil out a bit, otherwise he is going to have be dead before the season ends.

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