I have proof!

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You slept on Finns' couch and didn't get any sleep because all you could think about was Alexa and how you could prove your innocence.
You: "I've got it!"
Finn: "What is it?"
You: "I'm going back to the arena to get the security footage."
                   Sometime later
You: "Lexi, babe open up I've got proof!"
Alexa: "(y/n) go away I fucking hate you."
You: "I've got the security footage of backstage."
              After watching the tape
Lexi: "Babe I'm so sorry."
You: "It's ok, I'd understand why it seems unbelievable."
Lexi: "I love you (y/n)!"
You: "I love you too, I'd never lie to my beautiful fiancé."
You: "Let's go so we can get everything planned for the wedding."
Lexi: "K babe coming!"
                                             In the car
Lexi: "I'm gonna kick Charlotte's ass!"
You: "Woah calm down baby, we don't need anyone to lose their jobs."
Lexi: "Well what about Charlotte?"
You: "If we get her fired we'll look like total douchebags."
Lexi: "(y/n) what would I do without you?"
You: "I don't really know but that's why we're getting married."
Lexi: "When we get home I have a surprise for you."
You: "I can hardly wait!"

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