This fights for real

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You kick Murphy in the knee cap and he grabs his knee in pain you kick him in the face as he falls to the ground you repeatedly punch him giving him a bloody nose, Alexa pulls you away and holds you back. Murphy runs away and gets in the car holding his nose.
Lexi: "Don't let him get to you he's been jealous after I broke up with him."

You: "I'll kick his ass again. He's so bad he can't make it to the main roster, pfff what a joke."
Alexa laughs as you two head to the practice ring to practice some moves. She playfully kicks you and you fall on purpose she climbs the ropes and hits twisted bliss she covers you, 1-2-3.  You raise her hand in victory and says your turn. You say, "I've got a new move called kiss of death and you pull her in and kiss her. She laughs and calls you an idiot.
Lexi: "I will admit you are an amazing kisser."

You: "Thanks babe."

         2 months later at Wrestlmania
Michael Cole: "And Alexa retains her title."
5 mins later at the start of the main event . Your music starts and people go ballistic

JBL:  "I think this young man is an amazing champion, my money's on him!"

Then Cena comes out and is basically booed out of the arena.

                      End of match
Byron Saxton: "Cena hits the AA, it's over. 1-2 kick out by (y/rn)!"
John looks in disbelief selling the fact that he looks shocked you kicked out.
He turns around signaling for the 5 knuckle shuffle as he bounces you off the ropes you spear him for the cover, 1-2-3!!
Michael Cole: "The champ retains after a long hard match."
Lexi jumps on you and kisses you. She jumps off.

Lexi: "Babe I'm so proud of you!"

You: "Thanks I love you so much!"

Lexi: "(y/n), you are the most amazing boyfriend!"

You: "Let's leave so I can do the interview tomorrow."

Lexi: "Why.... so we can... have some fun?"

You: "Wow you know just what I want to do!"
         At you and Alexa's hotel room
You pick her up kissing her as you carry her to bed. You lay down with her on top and strip each other you slowly kiss as she moves down grabbing your length and placing it inside herself she moans and you rock her up and down she kisses you making you grunt and she gets you closer to an orgasm.

Lexi: "Give me all you got (y/rn)!"

You: "Is this good?" You say with a smirk going harder and faster.
Lexi screams, "I'm cumming!" "Don't pull out!" You both cum and she falls on you while she regains strength. She sits up and watches your seed pour out.

Lexi: "Oh my god babe that was soooooo good!"

You: "I think you were better hot stuff."

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