Just Before We Met

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Crystal's POV

I jumped out of the window slowly so my mom wouldn't hear.My phone started ringing and vibrating in my pocket.

"Shut up stupid phone," I whisper yelled to myself.

My mom started groaning and before I knew it I heard loud stomps up to my door and then the creaking of it opening.

Oh , no!

I jumped inside of the window just as my mother walked in.

"What the , why is your phone so loud make it shut up and go to sleep you stupid girl."

"Well , um....I"

"Shut up. I don't wanna hear your useless self talk anymore."

"Okay then,"I whispered, my heart sort of breaking inside. I mean, I hate her but she still is my mother and I care about her opinion. I don't know why.

"Can you leave already you worthless brat!" She yelled in my face.

I picked up my phone and ran out the door right beside my mother. I heard some cursing but I knew once I got away , I won't have to deal with , her. My phone started ringing. I saw that my dad was calling , she must have called him I declined the call and I started to run along the street.

Then I saw those people who take picture of famous people , I think paparazzi. This is weird it is only Santa Barbara who could be....I couldn't finish my sentence because Katy Perry was walking towards me.

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