11. Moths to a Flame

Start from the beginning

"What can I say? I got there and had a change of heart-I refuse to be like you. Now, I'm more than willing to let you jerk me the hell around if that's what you want-I'd do anything for Austin. But killing his mom doesn't do a damn thing except appeasing you." He fired back, resolved in the decision that he'd made. She could see that, so she kicked it up a notch.

"You know, you never did ask me why I wanted her dead. That was surprising, I would've thought you'd have asked some questions before agreeing like you did." Monica smiled, showing her teeth.

"I didn't ask because I didn't care. Still don't." Toby crossed his arms, watching the way her mind worked.

"Well you should, I mean, we are talking about me after all, I want her dead for a reason. And you're wrong, it does serve a purpose-I told you from the start what I wanted out of this deal, that I wanted to be rid of Vorne. You see, Stephanie was so incredibly bright, you wouldn't believe all the kinds of dirty secrets she dug up. Like, say, that Dede Fletcher-the very woman who so suspiciously appeared in town out of nowhere-has had past dealings with my boss." She confessed.

"You're lying, she's here because she somehow got a letter from Austin." He tried to deny the shock of hearing that at first, but he considered how Dede's reappearance had never made any sense, and when he looked back at the villainess he could see that, for once, she was telling him the truth. "What kind of dealings?"

"I told you she's a horrid shrew, but that didn't seem to be enough for you, despite all the things that your lover told you about her. Austin told you the events of his kidnapping, yes? How he came to be with the Anchoress? What if I told you that it wasn't random that he was the one? What if I told you that my boss chose him particularly? Why? I haven't a clue, but I do know he didn't just walk up and snatch him away. He got permission from his mother. Yes, you're starting to get it, Dede sold Austin into that fate-she sent him to hell." Manipulation was always the most fun when it was torture, and Monica could see that was what she was doing to him.

"Now I know you're lying." Immediately Toby was driven into denial, because he couldn't honestly begin to even imagine how to process that. But yet again he could see the honesty on her face.

"There's a spell that you're aware of, right? You say a little chant, plant one on me, and you can see what I see. Here, don't just take my word for it, take a gander for yourself." She licked her lips waiting for him. He was reluctant, but he needed to know, so sure enough he said the spell and stepped forward, hovering just inches from her as he tried to settle his stomach. But she did the work for him, running her hand through his hair and pressing their mouths together, putting a little more effort into the embrace than she needed to as she parted his lips with her tongue. He finally pulled away, looking her in the eyes as he spat on her floor and headed for the door, leaving her panting. "Where are you going?"

"To kill that bitch." His head was spinning and he was filled with rage, knowing that he and Monica were, for once, in full alignment. Dede was not human, not with what she had done, and she needed to be punished. She hadn't just failed to love her son, she had sold him like he was property, she had been uncaring about the life he would be forced to lead-if it could be called that. All the torture at the hands of the Anchoress that had left Austin scarred was all her fault. But now she would taste a little of what he felt, and he knew nothing would stop him this time. He was furious.

That was a disposition that he happened to share with Qui'hara. True, she was never that happy to begin with, especially in recent times, but with what had happened with Nina she found that her days were spent in a constant haze of red. She still kept at it though, instead of retreating like her nature compelled her to do, because she knew her best chance to get Myrna back, safe and sound, was to stay integrated in the group. So even though it killed her she stayed faithful, always lurking nearby quietly, and did what was required of her. That included patrolling, which she just so happened to be doing, with Cliff.

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