Chapter 2-Genocide

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Chara POV

When Mom and I got over the shock of Frisk attacking the dummy, we moved into the next room.This one was long and very spiky.

Frisk took one step forward and was attacked by a monster.As it leapt at us Frisk dodged and went to the side, they pulled out their stick and sliced the froggit in half.As that happened I felt a surge of energy flow through me.As we gained 1 Lv.I don't think Mom noticed because if she did then she would've attacked us then and there.When we met Mom just before the spikes, she took Frisk's hand and led us through them.When we got to the next room, it was long and very bare.

"My child, I have a request to ask of you, I would like you to get to the end of this room yourself" Mom said as she began running.

Frisk began running ahead as well.I wasn't bothered to walk so I just stayed there being dragged along.I don't know what it was at the time, but I felt another thing, another presence perhaps?With me and Frisk ever since they, we gained our first Lv I felt like something was following us.It wasn't Flowey, who was continuously following us that made us nervous, it was more like a spirit.When we reached the end of the room, Mom greeted us warmly.

"Well done my child, there is but one reason I did this, to test your independence.I must go now, child.I will give you a cellphone call me whenever you must.But please stay in this room"She said as she left.

Sans POV

I was taking a nap until Pap woke me up again.


"Jeez sorry Paps, I'm just Bone -tired you know?"That was enough to set him off again.

He started telling me to stop being so lazy and start doing my job.As much as I wanted to, there was no point.After all, I've been through this exact conversation more than once.With all these Resets and everything, I've kind of givin' up on trying.Even if I did it would reset and go out the window.I've gotten tired of it.Getting to the surface lost its appeal too.But there was something I never understood, only I and somebody else knows about the resets.But the monster I'm talking about isn't the type of sit down and talk about it kind of guy.He was the opposite, he was the one causing them.I also lost hope of being reunited with her cause even if I did, it would all go away.But I still miss her, it's been a really long time.9 years almost.I was 10 when I met her.She was 9.If she was still with me today, she'd be 17.But even though my Dad and Chara are gone, I still have Paps, right?Alphys and I are working on a way to stop the resets and to also bring back Chara and Dad.But the plan is still far from done, and it doesn't help that everything keeps going back.Sometimes we get so close but it's all ripped away.I hope the flower will finally stop the resets.But it probably won't ever stop, unless something else takes control.And I feel like freedom is closer than it ever has been now than ever.

Family-A sequel to A Friend For Life SansxChara (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt