"You love me?"

"Uhh yeah. Sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don’t know. Bad timing I guess. With Dylan just gone, I just shot someone, I just woke up next to you. This is a lot to process. It made me realise, that I don’t want this to end."

"You don’t want to stop shooting people?" Sasha joked.

"No  Sasha, I don’t want us to end."

"Did we even have a beginning?"

"We can start now."

He edged closer to her and waited for her response.

He leaned in closer towards her. She leaned in closer.

Their lips met and started moving in sync.

Once they parted, he smiled at her.

"Sorry Nick. I shouldn’t have done that. It is too soon."

Nick's eyes didn’t hide the disappointment. He knows he shouldn’t push it. He changed the subject.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah a bit," she answered.

"What do you feel like eating?"

"I want me some pizza."

"Okay," he said as he started dialling on his phone.

School has just started. It was exam week again since the first exam week was interrupted. Sasha's wound has healed almost completely.

They were having lunch when Sasha's phone rang. Nick eyed it. He had a downturned face. He was frowning at the sight that Bob's Diner is calling.

"Must you answer?" he asked.

"You know I have to babe," Sasha answered briefly. "Hello, Sasha speaking."

Nick looked at her. She had a serious face on. She was looking at him. She hung up.

"Follow me," she said as she grabbed him by the arm.

"Where are we going?"

"I need to take you somewhere. Just listen to me okay."

"Are we going somewhere fun?" he winked.

The M5 pulled out of the car park. She started driving towards the warehouse.

Nick was curious to what was going on.

"Are you not going to explain to me what is going on?"


"Am I in danger?"


"Is my family?"


"SASHA! Answer me!" he snapped.


"Yes? That is all you can say? Is my family alright?"

"As far as I know, they are. They are already in the safe house. That is where I am taking you."

Nick sighed.

"This is not fun." Nick muttered.

"Gee sorry if this is not your idea of fun Nick."

"How would you like it if your family is always in danger?!"

"I don’t know Nick. Let me give it a think, oh wait I don’t have family! Seriously Nick, what the hell. Why are you snapping at me? At least you still have them and hell at least your family is being protected!"

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