Chapter 3

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Stampys head unclouded as he opened his eyes and regained his focuse, where was he? Stampys eye traveled around and saw he was in a cell with nether rack bricks and bars. Rope tied his hands securely together as he was leaned on a wooden post in the middle of the cell.

Stampy blinked  more as the sleep disappeared from his eyes and he started struggling.

"Escaping that early are we?"

Stampy looked up at the menacing face of Hit The Target as his teeth gritted and his eyes narrowed.

"What do you want with me?"

Stampy demanded as Hit The Target laughed and pulled away from his face.

"Oh well I'm just going to help you with your little friend problem and why they aren't here, Vevadash is on an errand sadly"

Hit The Target sat down and faced Stampy smirking.

"Your worthless, That's why they aren't coming"

Stampy felt his eyes start to water.

"I-I'm not worthless!"

He argued shaking his head as Hit The Target took his head and made him look him in his black eyes as he repeated insult by insult wanting to make poor Stampy break. Stampy felt tears rush to his eyes as he struggled to keep them in before he then had enough after the 15th insult and reason.


He screamed yanking his head away from Hit The Targets grasp as he yanked it to the side and looked to his right. Hit The Target just smirked and grabbed the collar of his hoodie yanking him so that Hit The Targets forehead was leaned in Stampys.

"You know my words are true, admit it! These reasons I tell you are the exact reasons why they left you"

Hit The Target growled and shoved him back slamming his head onto the wooden pole making Stampys head drop and his gaze went to his lap. Hit The Target stood up and walked out of the cell slamming the door and leaving him alone with his thoughts again, only this time.

They kept silent

The voices didn't speak a word

Not even a sound

Stampy sat in silence as some blood went down from the back of his head as he questioned Hit The Targets words.

Was he right?

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