Chapter 36 - Anyways, bye Mason.

Start from the beginning

"Get out," I mustered with a crack in my voice. It was low and quiet, but there was so much silence around us that it felt louder than anything I'd ever said. 

I rested my head on my knees before wrapping my arms around them. I stayed like that for a solid five minutes until Mason stood up and left. I heard the click of the suite's front door click and got up. 

I picked up the frozen dinners and stored them in the mini fridge and pulled out the carton of chocolate milk instead and drank from it straight, like a savage. 

I pulled out a couple of textbooks along with my headphones, laptop, and charger before distracting myself with my work while casually taking a swig of milk here and there. This is when I would typically think through what just happened and try to figure it out. But by now, there was no point. Call it stubbornness or impact from trauma. Call it what you want.
I don't care how he got here, what he was doing, I just don't care.


I could feel a headache coming and my neck was still cracking from the terrible sleep from the night before. I sighed after finishing yet another chapter and rubbed my eyes to notice that it was past midnight. I'd been engrossed with my assignments for a good eight hours. How is that possible? I don't even sleep that long. No wonder my neck, head, and eyes were stinging from the strain. 

I set everything on the side table except for one of the textbooks. I walked over to the paper bag and pulled out a couple of new post-its and highlighters I'd bought and jumped back onto the bed. 

I read page after page while simultaneously yawning. But I just couldn't sleep. Nor could I focus. I eventually gave up and turned off the light and laid on the bed. 

I tossed and turned for awhile before my head caught up to my heart. 

I couldn't sleep because there was too much going on in my head and heart. I was trying to procrastinate and push it away like I usually do, but it's just killing me slowly. I needed to confront my problems. I would regret it later if I didn't. It's just harder for everyone. 

I vowed to simply tell Mason where he's misunderstood the situation. Next time I saw him. I would. If I didn't see him, then that's great too. But I had a feeling that he wasn't going to give up this quick. 

I guess my heart and brain had come to an agreement because I was out in a flash.

I woke up to a growling stomach and the sun hitting my face. I turned around to face the other side to dodge the sun and hopefully fall back to a restful sleep. However, to my misfortune, I couldn't escape the sun nor my everlasting hunger. 

After struggling between the sheets for a few minutes longer I pulled myself up and scanned through the fridge, searching helplessly for something that would satisfy my stomach.
I stared at the few items in the fridge knowing very well that I was craving Honeycomb cereal, not the Cheerios I'd bought. I pulled out a carton of 1% milk and debated on whether or not I was desperate enough to walk back to the corner store and grab the cereal I really desired. 

I left the milk out while heading over to my cosmetic bag and grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Next thing I knew I was dressed up and ready. I guess my subconscious really wanted some honeycombs. 

I reached for my debit card and my room key before closing the door. I walked to the front of the motel before noticing someone sleeping on a tired bleak sofa. I stepped closer to the snoring figure. "Why is he sleeping here?" I inquired, my curiosity getting the best of me again. 

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