The Beginning

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My name is Spencer Jenson, but everyone calls me SJ. I'm 17 and that's me at the top.

It was the beginning of the year at Adams high and as I entered the gates to the school I was surprised by my two friends who came rushing towards me, Mira and Shawn. We said our hello's and then catched up a bit. After a few minutes we went our separate ways to get our class schedule.

I looked at my class schedule to see if I was in the same elective as last year, band. I was. Band was my favorite class I met new people there and everyone in that class was family to me. The bell rang so I only had five minutes to get to class.

I had first period with my Mira and Shawn. Fourth period came around and I was anticipating the fact I had to go to band class after. The bell rang indicating I had to go to fifth. When I got there the teacher had us take out chairs and she had us introduce ourselves. She told us to get in two large groups in the shape of circles so that's what we did. One girl named Lilian went first.

They each said their favorite color, hobbies, etc. It was my turn "hi my name is Spencer Jenson, my favorite color is blue and I like to swim. They all said "Hi Spencer".

A girl next to me asked if I was a boy or a girl because I had short hear with female features. I told her I didn't know yet, but I will soon. The whole time we where in this group thing my head was down. I was a pretty shy kid, but when I looked up I seen the most beautiful person in the world. Briana. She had short hair kinda like Justin Bieber, brown eyes, she was half Asian, wore all black making it noticeable she was emo. I just kept admiring her face and body. She was perfectly....perfect. I had no words.

Every time she looked at me I had butterflies in my stomach and all this was in the course of one day.

This was the beginning of the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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