You & I Chapter One

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"I'm not wearing that." Billie protested while fixing her make-up.

"But we're going as Han Solo and Princess Leia."

"Yeah, but I am not walking around half naked in a plastic bikini!"

Billie was visiting Chris in Atlanta while he was filming his latest Marvel film, and the whole cast was having an impromptu Halloween party later that evening. And while she was jet-lagged and not really in a partying mood, Chris somehow convinced her to try on some last minute costumes.

"Fine, wear the frumpy white dress. But you're going to be burning up in that thing!" Chris said.

"You can be mad at me, but I don't think you understand how skimpy that slave girl costume truly is."

"But I've seen you walk around in less."

"Not in public you haven't." Billie barked back and proposed that he try it on just so he could see things from her perspective.

"Challenge accepted!" Chris then ran into the bathroom and quickly changed into the tight outfit.

Billie just shook her head in shame and continued getting ready. And while fixing her hair she urged Chris to hurry because they were running late and she hated that he was taking the joke way too far. Then the bathroom door opened a few moments later and Billie was horrified by what she saw.

She playfully covered her eyes and shrieked, "Eww! Your balls are hanging out of the skirt!"

"Does this make me look fat?" Chris asked with an effeminate voice.

Billie wasn't sure what was worse, seeing him in an ill-fitted bikini top with his broad shoulders and stocky frame, or that the slinky skirt was hanging off his hips and she could see everything.

"Fat isn't the right word." Billie said.

They both laughed hysterically and she even sent a picture to his brother Scott for shits and giggles. And because Chris took one for the team, Billie agreed to keep the slave girl costume, but she would wear it privately at a later time.

They left their hotel room shortly after and while driving to the private party, Billie received a text message from her mom.

"Why would she ask me that?" She mumbled and threw her phone back in her purse.

"What's wrong babe?"

"I rather not talk about it now."

Chris could hear the contempt in her voice and knew that something must have really gotten under her skin. And as much Billie wanted to keep her problems to herself, she knew that Chris wasn't going to let things go. She then sighed and said that her mom was asking if she was going to stop by her father's house. Chris was completely shocked because he knew that Billie had cut all ties to her father, but she revealed that he actually lived in Savannah and lately he's been pestering Iris with tons of questions.

"Well maybe he's finally realizing his mistakes." Chris said.

"Please! He's only showing an interest in my life because he knows I'm dating Captain America."

"Holy shit! You are?" Chris said sarcastically, "When were you going to tell me this?"

Billie knew that he was teasing her, and she loved that he didn't see himself as a big Hollywood movie star, but just a regular guy from Boston. But ever since they became more serious, her life had been turned upside down. While they were trying to live a normal life in Massachusetts, she was still getting used to the idea of visiting movie sets and occasionally walking red carpets. But she didn't let it all go to her head, because she focused on what was really important in their relationship.

"Can we stop talking about my father and what a big buzzkill he really is?" Billie asked politely.

Chris respected her wishes and held her hand as they continued their trek. And while he was worried about her, he was also floating on air that she had taken the time to visit him for the next two weeks, even though she had her own life to live.

It was surprising that he was extremely fretful when she wasn't by his side. And he grew to appreciate all of her outrageous quirks and complicated beauty. And as each day passed, he grew more certain that he couldn't imagine his life without her.

And when they arrived at their destination, Chris handed Billie a small white box before getting out of the car.

"What's this?"

"I stumbled across this while we were shopping for these dumb costumes. And I figured it was appropriate." Chris said.

Billie opened her gift, and discovered a cute sterling silver bracelet that had engraved charms of Leia and Han. She chuckled at the irony of it all but was also blown away by the sweet gesture.

"You like it?"

"I love it!" Billie said and she put the bracelet on. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek, "And I love you."

"I know." Chris replied smugly. He then apologized that it wasn't anything fancy but he knew that she didn't care about that. She knew that it came from his heart and little did she know that he had plans to get her something more significant.

They then dropped their car off with the valet service and entered the party, which was at Robert's Downey Jr.'s private compound. The whole cast for the latest Avengers movie was in attendance as well as a few other celebrities, and everyone treated Billie like she was part of the family. They loved that she wasn't star-struck or that she was pushing her own agendas. And even though she cussed like a sailor and was socially awkward at times, everyone admired her down to earth personality and the fact that she balanced Chris out.

And as she mingled with the rest of the guests, Chris stood back and admired her from afar.

"Looks like Cupid has you in a choke hold." Anthony said while snatching him from his thoughts.

Chris said that he was just happy that Billie was in town and he loved that she hadn't complained about the hectic filming schedule. Then the two men stepped outside and continued their conversation while splitting a cigar.

"Can I ask you something?" Chris said.

"Depends. It's not an uncomfortable question about black women, right?"

"I'm not even going there with you." Chris answered.

He then chuckled and looked down at his feet. "But seriously, I know you've been with your wife a long time but when did you know that you wanted to spend the rest of your life together?"

Anthony couldn't give him a definite answer but assured him that he always knew deep down somehow, especially since she was able to deal with all his bullshit after so many years. And they had a great balance within each other and a bond that was unbreakable. But then he wondered why Chris was asking such a serious question.

"Wait! Are you..."

"I'm gonna ask her to marry me!" Chris said.

Anthony saw the determined look on his face and pulled him in for a congratulatory hug. Chris then swore him to secrecy and revealed that he wasn't sure when he was going to propose and that he hadn't even bought a ring yet. But he knew that he was making the right choice and even planned on asking for her mother's permission during the holidays.

"And you're sure you're ready for this type of commitment?" Anthony asked.

Chris peered back inside the party and saw Billie dancing with the others with a huge smile on her face and not a care in the world. And it didn't matter that she was wearing a goofy Star Wars costume or that she was doing a drunken freestyle of The Humpty Dance. Because all he could see was that he wanted to grow old with her and therefore nothing else mattered.

He then said, "I've never been more certain about anything in my entire life!"

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