Chapter 1: Prologue

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So this book is pearlshipping. Nothing else. After hearing so many people upset about my story being pearlshipping and amourshipping I decided I wanted to give you guys a completely pearl story. This story is NOT written by me. It is by a fellow named Complete Hollow on It is an awesome story and is tecnacally an Ash betrayed story as well. Updates will be on Fridays!  But anyways I hope you all enjoy!


The wonderful world of Pokemon. A strange and wondrous place with a brand new adventure over every horizon. Nobodies know how or when Pokemon came to this blue planet, but everybody knows that without them it would be a pretty dull place. Heck, nobody knows how the universe was made, but some people believe an all powerful Pokemon created everything. Many stories had been passed down from generation to generation to explain all of this. No one truly knows except one man. A man that lost his name long ago.

This man was known as one of the kindest and hardworking trainers that anybody has ever met. Everywhere, people recognized him because of his trademark hat and his unruly, ebony (ebony is black right) hair with his yellow companion hanging on his shoulder. People he met always gave him respect and offered him friendship. Loved by all especially his Pokemon, mother, and friends. Note that I only said mother. The father of the respectable trainer abandoned him and his mother long ago for his own selfish goal.

Growing up without a father didn't have such a harmful effect on the ebony haired trainer since his father left right after he was born. The trainer only needed his mother's love to fill in that void and the dream of becoming a Pokemon Master.

Along the way of his journey he found people who were dear to him. To him they were everything. Those people will always be there for him, to comfort him when everything looked dim. He felt like the luckiest person in the whole world until something tragic happened. This event changed his life turning him into an evil person. At the age of 13 was when it happened and that's when he began his descent into darkness.

Over the past 4 years this trainer's name has been lost. The only people who still remember it are the people who he traveled with. In his absent of the Pokemon circuit he established a new identity to escape his past. This new identity struck fear in everyone's heart including Pokemon. Nobody knew that this identity was the lovable ebony haired boy including his so called friends. This man created one of the most feared criminal groups in the world rivaling Team Rocket. This group is called Organization Omni. Everybody feared its symbol. It was a yellow infinity symbol. Though Team Rocket was feared, Organization Omni was the scariest. Organization Omni didn't steal Pokemon from other trainers like Team Rocket, but they abducted the trainers along with their Pokemon. Nobody knows what happens to those trainers and their Pokemon that's why every Officer Jenny is looking for them.

Organization Omni were at war with Team Rocket both looking for supremacy. The leader of Organization Omni finally fed up with this mounted an attack on Team Rocket's headquarter. Leading this assault was the leader and his five elite Pokemon trainers along with some Omni Grunts. And that's when the story begins.


A loud explosion was heard throughout the Team Rocket base. Rubble and debris were lying everywhere in the front entrance.

"Crap! What the hell was that!" screamed a Team Rocket Grunt. The said Grunt looked at the video monitors and what he saw made his eyes widened. The Grunt grabbed the vid-phone and immediately called the head boss, Giovanni. In the screen was a big, muscular man with an orange suit. He had many rings on his fingers and a beautiful Persian on his lap. His hair was slicked back with gel making it flat and shiny. By the scowl on the boss's face you could tell he was not pleased. "Yo, Boss!"

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