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I'm gonna try third person, might switch to first if I don't like third. Also Prince Gumballs real name is Bobbi Belle...I'm gonna have Marshall give him The nickname Gumball




Bobbi sighed as he watched the scenery fly past in a blur through the car window, he and his parents were moving again. He was already dreading making new friends, everyone just teased him. He looked "girly", had pink hair, didn't like "acting like a boy", and was really shy.

Bobbi didn't know why it was such a problem to the other kids, he was just different. What was wrong with that?

"Were here Bobbi belle!" His mother cheered as they pulled into a wide drive way that led to a beautiful bricked home.

"Whoa." Bobbi gasped as he looked up at the home in awe, this was the only thing he liked about moving. The new house, the new yard, and the new room. It was always fun to explore it all!

"Go find your room baby," His mother began. "It's already set up for you!"

"Really?!" Bobbi squeaked out while giggling.

"Yep! Were gonna be staying here a lot longer than usual." She smiled softly as she watched her son dart into the house. Bobbi ran all through the house until he found the room that just had to be his. It was on the top floor facing the back yard of the house, he could see a tree house and a pool.

It was a small room with light pink walls with purple and dark pink shelves. The ceiling  was white  with a carpet to match but had three other small carpets lying on top of it. His bed and dressers were all on one wall leaving the rest of the room open aside from to small purple tables holding  Bobbi's favorite books. His desk and other shelves were already full of the things from his old room, making him sigh knowing they didn't put anything where he wanted it to be.

He loved his room and his parents for accepting his "girly" ways.


Weeks after getting settled into the new house Bobbi discovered a park not too far from where his house  was.

"Momma can I please go!?"He begged his mother one evening while his father was away at work. Looking down at her son and seeing his hopeful violet eyes, she caved in.

"Fine, but just for a few hours. We have to make dinner tonight."


The park wasn't anything special for being so close to a rich neighborhood, it honestly looked like the ones Bobbi would see at public schools. Not they were nasty, they just had so many children playing on them daily that they wore out quickly. But the park was also empty, not that Bobbi minded, he was used to not having friends to play with.

He left his mother on the bench and ran up to the play set heading straight for the tunnels. He dove in head first with a quiet giggle that turned into a loud gasp when he saw a kid already sitting inside the tube.

He looked a bit older than Bobbi but was a child non the less. He had raven black hair and beautiful ruby red eyes that popped out due to his pale skin. His clothes were baggy and torn and he was also covered in bruises.

"Who are you?" Bobbi asked with a cheerful voice continuing to climb through the tube towards the other boy. The said boy tensed a bit at Bobbi's enthusiasm but wasn't scared of the fairy like boy.

"I'm Marshall." He said looking Bobbi up and down distastefully, what kind of kid liked pink that much?

"Hello Marshall! I'm Bobbi Belle, I just moved here a little while ago." He said shaking Marshalls hand. "Why are you here by yourself?" He asked.

"Because I can be."

"Really? I have to ask my mommy and daddy before I do anything." Bobbi smiled while getting comfortable next to Marshall. Marshall just stared at the boy wondering how on earth he ended up getting stuck with such a weird kid.

"Why are you covered in ouchies?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Marshall sighed annoyed.

"To learn, Duh silly!" He giggled poking Marshalls nose. "You know kisses make ouchies all better right?" He spoke kissing a bruise on Marshalls cheek.

Marshall gasped bringing his hand up to his cheek surprised that the boy actually kissed him! His stomach fluttered and he glared down at it not liking the feeling.

"Does your tummy hurt too? Let me kiss it better!" Bobbi said pushing Marshall down and trying to pull up his shirt.

"Hey! No!" Marshall yelled wiggling around trying to get the smaller boy off of him.


"Never speak of that ever." Marshall hissed clutching his stomach while Bobbi sat beside him giggling.

"I promise, now answer my questions! Favorite candy?"

"I don't  really have one. You?" Marshall said making Bobbi belle gasp. Marshall had decided the kid wasn't so bad and he didn't really mind his company.

"I'll bring lots of candy tomorrow for you to try! And I like Gumballs! They're all pretty and each has a different flavor." He spoke happily. "What's your favorite color?"

"Black. You?"

"Pink, but my favorite shade is Gumball Pink!"


"Do you have any stuffies?"


"Tons! I have a lot of Gumball stuffies too! Theyre so cute! You should come over to see them sometime." Bobbi  grinned.

"You know what," Marshall began.


"I'm gonna call you Gumball from now on."



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Not proof read.

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