When I arrived there I heard he hasn’t shown up in the past days either. I remain silent, afraid to say a word. I think I should say something though. What if he needs help?

At the end of the training, I was one of the last to leave the shower. It was by then I saw Robert’s father there, asking for him

“So, he hasn’t been saying anything for days and I’m starting to get worried. Does any of you know anything? He hasn’t spoken to any of you?”

“No, sir” spoke Jude, his best friend “he commented he was going to London with me. But anything after that”

“Maybe he’s just there fornicating with the girl” Chris giggled

My eyes widened. They thought Robert’s in London?


Shit. I said that out loud. Everyone’s looking at me now.

“What is it, Adam?”

Just tell them. He needs help. Your friend needs help, coward.

“Robert is not in London…” I whispered

His father approached me “What?”

“I-I…I was with him a few days ago and… he wasn’t ok…”

Holy shit. How exactly am I going to tell his father I gave him cocaine?!


Robert Lockhart, Sr.'s POV

“Spit it out, kid”

My heart was now beating faster than ever. If my boy had returned from London some days ago, already, then where the hell was he? HOW was he?

“He… well, you know, Robert’s pretty intimidating when he wants to be…”

The kid was scared, I could tell, but I had to know where my boy was.

“He… asked me for cocaine”

My eyes widened “W-What?”

“I-I’m so sorry Sir… I was scared. I still am”

I felt Jude and Chris bodies in front of me. That was when I realized I was approaching the other boy. “You… gave cocaine... to my son”

His eyes were full of tears now “I’m… sorry”

“Sir, we’ll help you find him. Right now” Jude spoke to me “We’ll just finished getting dressed.”

Jude’s POV

As Robert’s father went to wait for us outside, completely scared and broken, I turned to Adam


“I’m sorry Jude… I… he was… I’m sorry!”

I couldn’t believe this! I didn’t even know what to think!

If Robert was back, and if he was having this behavior, obviously things with Jessica hadn’t turned out well. I’m afraid of what my friend can do.

Please be fine, Robert.

Adam’s POV

I ended up offering to go with them to look up for Robert, but they angrily declined. The feeling of futility invaded my entire body, I was a complete looser.

I was entering my house when I was pulled back and abruptly dragged against a wall. I finally came face to face with Robert. May I say, I completely wasted Robert.

“Do you have more?” he snapped

“Robert, no, I don’t. I wouldn’t give you even if I had”

“Adam, c’mon” he looked at me with those eyes that, despite the redness, scared me

“No, Robert. Everyone is looking for you, where the hell have you been?”

“Give. Me. More!” he darkly said

His arm went to squeeze my neck, my breath caught in my throat.

Cocaine side effects. Think Adam, please think.

“Robert, look at me”

“F*ck you, Adam. You heard me the first time”

“I-It’s expensive Robert! You need to pay me!” I tried to slightly stop him from giving me a beating. He looked at me closely before letting me go

“I don’t care. I’ll find a way” he said

“Robert!” I stopped him from going away

“Get the f*ck away Adam!” he yelled “You don’t give it to me, I’ll find it somewhere else!”

Holy sh*t. He was going completely delusional. This is not anywhere close to my case. His start with cocaine was heavy. You don’t need to do much to get addicted with that substance. 

“Your father is sickly worried about you!” I snapped

He looked at me “I’m fine.” He snapped before trying to leave again.

As I tried to stop him once again, he turned back and punched me so hard I fell to the floor.

I was dizzy for some moments. When I was finally back to myself, Robert was no longer there or anywhere in sight. I picked up my phone and called Jude.

Robert can’t be far away from here.

So, what is going to happen?!

Will Robert be stopped?

Will he be able to get more cocaine?

I'm sorry Jess is not in this chapter :c

Please comment and vote!



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