Rosalie's new friend

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We headed to the office where a thick woman with red hair was on a computer "Excuse me, Ma'am." I suddenly said, "Ah yes hello dear what do you need?" She said with wide eyes. "I was wondering if I could have my Schedule.." I said "Oh! Of course dear, I'll have Ms.Hale take you on a tour of the school,I hope you both make good friends with each other" she announced wistfully. "Thank you Bella(Italian-beautiful) as do I," I thanked her and saw a figure with beautiful platinum blonde hair walk into the room,Rosalie, "You called ma'am?"she asked with a hint of irritation in her voice, "Ah Rosalie,I was hoping you would be kind enough to show Ms.Speranza to her classes and around the school" the office worker asks, "Hello,again,Ms.Rosalie,I hope I am no bother to your time schedule." I said politely as to not get on this girl's bad side, "Ah,Laila,It's no bother,I guess" she said,but,her face showed clear distaste and annoyance.We slowly exited the office,and while walking Rosalie spoke up "You are a little cooler than I thought", "Oh well,thank you I guess" I said, "I'm not saying that cause I like you" she replied,but she had a tiny smile on her face,"Of course not!" I replied with a chuckle.We finally reached my classroom as to which me and Rosalie disbanded and I entered said room, "*cough* Excuse me sir?" I said to the teacher, "Oh yes,sorry I am Mr.Molina,Ah um,well class,as you can see we have a knew student.Please introduce yourself" Mr,Molina announced, "Umm,Hello there,My name is Laila Speranza.I am Italian but I grew up around Austrians(Not Australians..), I am 17 and I hope the years we have together are wonderful!" I said with my accent. "Okay thank you Ms.Speranza.You may sit next to Mr....."
(It's obvious who it is😂look at the cover of this story!But sorry for Loooing cliffhanger)

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