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                "Cora!" I stopped to turn around and saw Johnson walking towards me.

"Hey" I gave him a warm smile. It was finally the end of a long school day and I wanted nothing more than to go home and watch Netflix.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked

"Going home, why whats up?" I looked at him puzzled. He looked back at me with wide eyes

"CORA WATCH OUT-" ....That's all I remember. Until I woke up in a hospital... the lights around me were so bright and I was freezing. I looked to my left and saw Daniel, he was on his phone. To my right was Sasha asleep on a bench underneath the window and straight ahead were my 5 friends playing uno right under the TV which was showing Cars 2.

"Wha, What Happened?" I managed to get out. I looked at my body, there were bruises everywhere but surprisingly no casts.

"CORA!" Aria yelled getting up near me. I had everyone's eyes on me.

"Kid you're okay, Sasha wake up!" Daniel yelled with the biggest look of relief I have ever seen on someone. Sasha woke up slowly but right when she saw me, her face grew a smile and she hopped up running towards me.

"Oh my god! You're okay, I was so scared" Tears grew in her eyes as she gave me a light hug.

"Um, what happened?" I asked for a second time

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have stopped you in the middle of a parking lot. He was driving so fast around the corner, and I froze. I should have pushed you out of the way, or.. or something" Johnson looked like a wreck. His hair was a mess, and he had huge bags under his eyes. He had on a hoodie and sweats, usually he can make this look good but right now he just looks like he needs a shower and some sleep.

"But, I'm okay. See, my body may hurt but I'm still here. It's not your fault Johnson, it's the guy that hit me. " I gave him a warm smile and he almost immediately began to perk up. Sammy then walked up to me with the happiest of faces.

"I am so glad you're awake, it's not the same when you're not there" He squeezed my hand. As me and Sammy continued to talk the rest of the room began to clean up and Daniel left to get us some food. Nate joined us, I was so happy for being in the hospital and completely changing my skin tone from caspar to eggplant.

"So how long was I out for?" I asked

"2 fucking days" Nate said

"Woah" I let out a breath "Yall must have been.."

"Fucking terrified" I heard from my left.. Jack. My stomach grew butterflies and for some reason I was immediately trying to fix my hair. What can I say, he put a spell over me.

"I'll try to make it less next time" I giggled looking at him

"There will not be a next time, from now on you are never leaving our site." Jack sat down in the chair right by my bed.

"And no crossing the street with out looking both ways and holding one of our hands" Sam smirked and we all let out a laugh.

"I missed your guy's game how did it go?" I asked looking around

"We lost" Nate said

"Yeaah well what can we say, the four best players were a little distracted" Jack added and I felt really bad.

"Seriously, talk about distraction, did you see those cheerleaders who could not look at them?" Sammy smiled, again earning a laugh from all of us.

"So when can I get out of here?" I said wiggling in my bed

"Give it 1 more day" I heard from a voice with a really cool accent

"Doctor" Aria smiled and blushed. I looked to the doctor and I can understand why. This is the youngest and most importantly cutest doctor I have ever seen.

"Doctor" Nate said imitating Aria. She rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the side.

"Cora, nice to meet you, I am Dr. Sean" He said cutting infront of Jack and right next to my bed.

"Well hello" I giggled

"Allow me to catch you up, your body suffered a lot in this accident and received major bruising where the car hit. Which is mostly on your left side, along your back. Luckily no broken bones, and head trauma is little to none now that you are awake.After we run a couple tests you should be able to leave no later than tomorrow night" he gave me a slight smile at the end

"Well that's-" I began

"Good news, for what could have happened" Dr. S finished for me.

"Yeahh" I stretched my body then winced at the pain.

"Sasha, I promise I am okay" I giggled

"Are you sure, it's your first night home, you can sleep in the main house. Or I can sleep here-" she continued to ramble as I giggled. I was feeling a lot better, besides the bruises which still hurt like a bitch.

"Sasha, goodnight" I smiled

"Okay, call me if you need anything" She squeezed my hand and left with a settling smile. As she left I heard conversation at my door and then in walked .. Jack.

"Hey" he walked in taking a seat on my bed.

"Hey" I blushed "What are you doing here?"

"I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't know you were okay" he said simply

"You could have just texted or called" I giggled

"Oh" he said taking out his phone quickly and then put it away. Almost instantly I got a text 'are you okay – jack' I laughed out loud

"You are the worst" we continued to laugh. "So, how have you been?"

"an absolute wreck, but now that you are okay, looking beautiful as ever. I'm in a pretty great place" he had his hand on my thigh. I was in some polka dot pajama shorts and a simple tank top, no make up and my hair was in a bun. This guys has a funny definition of beautiful. "are you going to be at school tomorrow?"

"No, I'm going back Wednesday" I sighed

"It's going to suck with out you"

"Ithink you'll survive" I smiled. We continued to talk for the following hour,until it was time for Jack to go home. Before he left though, he gave me a kissgoodbye. Wow, that was amazing

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