Capter 1 - The Decision

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"Good morning Michelle." Sarah tried to sound chipper, but her mood this morning was anything but happy. "My morning was less than perfect, some guy in a pickup truck tried running me over on my way into the office, then had the nerve to flick me off like it was my fault."

"You serious? The nerve of that guy! What ever happened to southern hospitality?" Michelle wasn't from Atlanta either, she grew up in northern Maine, somewhere close to the Canadian boarder, Sarah just couldn't remember the name of the place. "That's Atlanta for you though, the armpit if the south if you ask me. I'd give anything to move back to Maine, if it wasn't for this job I'd be out of here in a New York minute." And she was serious too, and Sarah knew it. Ever sense Michelle moved to Atlanta for this job as editor for some swanky magazine that only the rich and famous have ever heard about, Michelle has had nothing but problems.

"Is this job really that great? I mean what does this job really offer us that we can't find somewhere else?" Sarah asked, thinking about everything she'd already been considering on her drive into work. "I have been considering this very thing all morning.  Sure the weather here in the lower states is beautiful, most of the time, but does the weather make up for all the jerks we have to put up with, all the traffic, and everything else we have complained about since we got here?"

"I don't know, I just do my job these days, go home to my cat Charlie, sip some wine and watch romantic comedies that remind me of how lonely I am until it's time to go to bed and get up and do it all over again.  Once I say it out loud, God, I sound pathetic."  Michelle lowered her head, looked slightly off to her right, noticed Mr. Edwards turning the corner and warned Sarah, "Oh crap, Mr. Edwards is coming, whatever you do look busy!  We'll finish our talk later."  With that being said Michelle took off for her desk, leaving Sarah to worry about Mr. Edwards herself.  Sarah logged into her computer, looked through the new files that had been laid on her desk since she left yesterday afternoon, and prepared herself mentally for Mr. Edwards arrival.  She just knew he would stop at her desk.  It seems that ever sense Sarah started working for this company Mr. Edwards had a personal vendetta against her.  She still couldn't figure out why, but did it really mater?

"Miss Hayes, I see you are running behind AGAIN!  Would you mind explaining to me why it seems that you can't manage to get yourself into the office and behind your desk ready to work by 8am like the rest of your colleagues?"  Oh boy, Mr. Edwards was using that calm, nothing bothers me, and if you don't believe me, just try me tone of voice.  That tone of voice Sarah had become all to familiar with in her time at this company.  "Day in and day out, you are last to get here, and near the first to leave.  Remind me again why I bother keeping you on staff.  Is it that you do such spectacular work my company would suffer some great loss by losing you from our employment?  No, that can't be it... well, well Miss Hayes, I may have to reevaluate your employment with us."  George Edwards was Mr. Untouchable, Mr. I am better than God himself, Mr. You have something to say, I don't care.  He was all and all just a miserable man, someone no one in the office could stand, but everyone had to brown nose because he was the boss.  Only Sarah never felt the desire to brown nose, she could care less about sucking up to Mr. Edwards, if he planned on firing her, no amount of brown nosing was going to stop it.  And today she felt especially no desire to make him happy.  In fact Sarah felt right his moment like telling Mr. Edwards he could stick his damn job where the sun don't shine! 

"I'm sorry Mr. Edwards, traffic was especially bad this morning, then crossing the street from the parking garage I nearly was run over."  Sarah felt like telling him he's lucky she even showed up at all, but decided it wouldn't be in anyone's best interest if she did. 

"I don't need your excuses Miss Hayes, what I need is for my employees to be at work on time, early would be even better, but I can't expect you people to care enough about your jobs to exert more effort than necessary could I?"  Mr. Edward was one of those men that resemble Mr. Scrooge in the movie A Christmas Carole in every way.  The crooked pointy nose, the frown lines, the glasses that rest on the end of his nose, grey hair that always looks a mess, and the bad attitude to go with it.  And when he spoke with his employees it seemed like he could never be pleased.  While Mr. Edwards spoke, Sarah wondered how a man like him could ever get into this line of business.  Wouldn't he have had to start from the bottom like everyone else, dealing with people?  Which clearly was not his strong point. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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