Capter 1 - The Decision

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  • Dedicated kay Elizabeth and Olivia

It was a day just like any other, Sarah woke up, got ready for work, went down the stairs grabbed her keys and headed out the door. Only something was different today she just didn't know it yet. Sarah jumped in her car and turned on her radio, hoping something good would be on since she forgot her iPod in the house again. One of these days she would remember it, but obviously today was NOT that day. She was in luck as it was, Story of My Life by One Direction was on her favorite radio station.

"Yes! My favorite song!" Sarah exclaimed to herself, glad she didn't have to start her morning off with boring commercials or weather and traffic updates.

Living so close to Atlanta made morning commutes long and boring. Traffic was miserable all the time, radio stations played nothing but traffic updates, and with half a billion cars on the road all at once there was ALWAYS a traffic update, which meant little time for playing music. This kind of lifestyle was exactly what Sarah thought she had wanted for herself when she accepted a job offer in the downtown Altanta area three years ago, but now? Now she was just wanting to escape the city life, and go back to somewhere peaceful. But where would she go? Home was out of the question. When she left he small town she had grown up in, where her family still lived, she left with very few friends. Even her own family was glad to get her out of there, so going back was not an option. There was nothing left for her there. No, she couldn't return homes, but she wanted to go somewhere peaceful, quiet, somewhere she could start fresh, be who she wanted to be without anyone asking questions. But where would that place be?

As she continued her ride down Georgia 400, toward downtown Atlanta, she watched driver who were also stuck in the same traffic as her in their cars. Some talked on their cell phones, others ate breakfast, some where even reading newspapers or doing crossword puzzles. "Crazy people," Sarah thought out loud, "these people are the reason we have so many wrecks and traffic is always backed up." While she was saying this to herself the man in the car next to her, who had been one of the ones reading while sitting in traffic looked over at her and gave her a dirty look. She put her eyes back on the car in front of her, but wondered what this mans problem was.

"I can't take this anymore, I NEED to get out of here!" Sarah said to herself. "Starting tonight I am looking for a new job, somewhere else where I don't have to deal with this mess!"

Nearly an hour later, Sarah made it the 25 miles she needed to drive to get to the parking deck across the street from her downtown office building. "Seriously, I spend two and a half hours a day of my life sitting in traffic, being annoyed, and getting nothing accomplished. Why do I do this to myself?"

Sarah got out of her car, took the stairs to the second floor of the parking deck, where she could walk out to the street light so she could cross the street. She waited for the walk signal so she could cross, and before she got 5 steps into the road a Chevy Silverado nearly ran her over. And to top it off, once she was safely back on the sidewalk, she noticed the driver was giving HER the finger. "Seriously?" Sarah through her hands up in the air in frustration. "I can not believe this. He's seriously mad at me, when I clearly was the one with the right-of-way?"

Ten minutes later Sarah finally made it to her desk. "Hey Sarah!" a young voice called from around a cubicle wall. "How's your morning going so far? Mr. Edwards came in this morning pretty upset, so if I were you, I'd avoid him if possible. I guess someone rear-ended his car this morning on his way in to work, and then the guy just pulled away and didn't wait for police. As you can imagine, Mr. Edwards is m-a-d, mad!"

Sarah looked up to see the always happy, always smiling Michelle Roberts standing at Sarah's cubicle opening. As always Michelle looked radiant. Stunning blue eyes, so crystal blue it was like looking into the Caribbean Sea. Perfect pale skin, that resembled the white sandy beaches of Florida. Skin so perfect the girl never needed to wear make-up, but she always looked like she was. And to top off the perfect face, she had the perfect long, slightly curly naturally auburn hair that just popped.

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⏰ Huling update: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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