'What if something bad happens to her? I thought Balor chose her for a reason.' Sami spoke, his voice gritty and insincere as his eyes trailed around the room.

'At the end of the day, she chose to throw a fit and leave. Why should any of us be responsible for her actions?' Ambrose piped up as his chewed onto the piece of gum within his mouth in agitation. Seth sat in the middle of the floor, legs crossed and his elbow resting on his right knee with his hand propped under his chin.

'That's not the point Dean. I don't think she realises what exactly she has gotten herself into. Besides, I can tell you for a fact it's not just Styles that wants her dead.' Roman chimed into the conversation, receiving a look of disgust from Dean.

'It's obvious she already knew that, besides, maybe if Balor had mentioned that to her earlier then she wouldn't have been so quick to just get up and leave.' Ambrose spat, his eyes rolling toward the direction of Seth who had been silent for a few moments.

'What's up with you Rollins? Cat got your tongue?' Ambrose joked before his grin turned into a scowl as Seth had continued to stay silent. His mind was focused completely on Sasha, he had no idea that this would happen, not even a hint. Romantically focused, no. As he did for the rest of his comrades, he wanted her to be okay.

As Sami,Dean and Roman continued to bicker between each other about what they should do with the current circumstances, Seth had eventually stood up, breaking the bickering between the three men. It was as if his instincts had hit him, they had to help Sasha and they had to do it now.

'She needs us, quit your bickering and let's get going. Dean since you don't seem too keen on this, I suggest you stay here and watch over Sami as he recovers.' Seth spoke, his eyes not once making contact with Dean. All that could be heard from Dean was a slight grunt as he turned away from his view of Seth and Roman.

'Let's go.'


In the opposite part of Suplex City, Styles continued to torment the pinkette. Sasha's back had collided with the walls that surrounded both her and the three members of 'The Bullet Club'. She refused to let out any sort of sound that would allow Styles to acknowledge her pain. After colliding with the wall Sasha flopped onto the ground, face first. Her hair covering her entire face as she began to crawl up onto her feet. However every time she would get up, she'd be knocked back down by Gallows and Anderson.

Repeating the exact same process, Sasha once again collided with the brick wall of the narrow alleyway. She refused to let out screams of agony, no matter how hard they would hit her.

'I know you can do better than that Banks, I want screams.' Sasha cringed slightly as she could just make out the smirk that had made its way onto the lips of Styles.

'The only screams you'll be hearing are the sound of your own when the tables turn in this situation AJ.' Sasha retorted, her voice weak and winded due to the impact she had received from the attacks.

AJ's eyes had grown dark as he stood in between Gallows and Anderson. As Banks had struggled to get to her feet, Styles signalled for both Gallows and Anderson to make their way closer toward her once more. Grabbing each of her arms, Gallows and Anderson had propped Sasha up onto her knees in front of Styles. Inside she felt nothing but humiliation, was she really going to die at the hands of Styles?

Gripping a fistful of her hair, Styles pulled it back tightly, forcing her head to tilt upwards. Styles pulled his free first back until it was at least at his ear level. Without a second thought he slammed his fist into the side of Sasha's head, letting go of her hair as it connected. An unplanned screech of pain had escaped Sasha's lips, causing the trio of men to laugh amongst themselves.

'That's better.' AJ spoke, his voice full of cockiness.

The small purple strands of hair loosely falling through the fingers of his gloved hands as she fell to the ground, clutching onto her head in pain.

'You know what's funny about this Banks? Your demon friend hasn't even bothered to show his face.' The trio of men chuckled as they stood over Sasha's fractured body, it being covered in grazes and a small bit of blood trickled down her chin from the side of her lip.

His words echoed through her ears as she clutched tightly onto her left forearm, just managing to get herself up onto her knees. Her facial expression was dark as droplets of blood hit the ground in small splats.

'I was almost certain that one day I'd be able to kill you by my own hands, but then again it isn't just myself that wants you dead.' Styles pressed his foot against the females shoulder as she hunched over slightly, push her back onto the ground forcefully.

'Then why don't you do it? Kill me.' Sasha had just managed to spit out these few words, hearing the cracking of knuckles straight afterward.

'As much as I'd love to, that would be too easy.'

Sasha wiped the blood from the side of her lip and her chin slowly, taking in every single word the southern accent had spoken. Mentally she was scolding herself for not staying back with Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose and Zayn. Shaking her head she began to rekindle each thought, why on earth was she lying here weak? She was capable of much more. Gritty coughs escaped her lips as she managed to crawl back up onto her knees, placing her left hand on the ground for support.

'Why do you play off as if you're the strong one Styles?' Sasha finally spoke breaking her silence leaving those known as 'The Bullet Club' Slightly taken aback.

'You hide behind those two goons of yours and only get yourself involved when the victim is weak and venerable. If anything you're the weak one.' Sasha allowed a sly grin to play on her lips, the trio noticing this causing Styles to further clench his fists as her remarks.

Styles tore his gaze away from Sasha and onto Luke Gallows, nodding in the process. Gallows pulled out a small knife from his jacket pocket, twirling it slowly in his hand as he did so. He eventually pointed it toward the centre of Sasha's neck, the pointed edge gradually getting closer.

Footsteps could be heard running around the group, causing Gallows to freeze in his place. Karl and AJ's eyes darted around the surroundings of where they currently were, attempting to find where and who they were coming from. Another set of footsteps then sounded in the opposite direction, leaving the trio startled slightly.

'What are you waiting for Luke, get it over with, NOW.' Styles ushered Gallows to hurry up with the task of getting rid of the female once and for all. Luke nodded toward the leader of The Bullet Club, drawing the knife backward into the air, preparing to plunge it straight into Sasha's neck.

As Gallows brought the knife down forcefully, midway it was almost as if it had been knocked out of his hand. Luke then looked down toward the knife, noticing the exact same red and black aura surrounding it like the one that had once surrounded them in the alleyway.

'You're absolutely useless, I'll just do it myself!' AJ yelled in annoyance at Gallows's failed efforts, not realising what had just happened. Karl had gripped onto AJ's arm in attempt to pull him back however he just managed to rip it out of his grip.

Styles picked up the knife that had crashed onto the ground, clutching it in between his palm and fingers tightly. He let out a spurt of anger as he stormed toward the female, knife raised high. Styles however soon stopped in his face, his eyes wide and his mouth dropping open. The knife was once again knocked from his hand, leaving it to clatter to the ground.

Sasha looked up from her current position, her eyes widening slightly also at the sight in front of her. The male that stood in front of her was the exact same person that had helped her out before. The black and red aura surrounded him as each individual light within the alleyway had become broken. The figure had turned his head to face the pink haired female on the ground.

'Believe in me now?' The Irish accent sounded within the quiet atmosphere.

Insert his theme song straight after that last line :)))))

I hope you all really like this book so far I'm working my hardest on it :) if you have any ideas then please leave them in the comments, id love to hear from you!

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