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we took our breakfast together and after that i changed my clothes and wore a blue jeans and a shirt. The day was sunny, Just like a day in may should be. We packed our luggage and started our trip just five munites after 7 AM. The plan was to go to the a hotel in the mountain area.

First we got out of our town on the main road. While in the city we were stuck in the traffic about three times and everytime it was infront of a school or a college.

Our way was the main road. we were to stay on this road untill we reach our destination. After about an hour we were out of the city. Now the big city with its big buildings and heavy traffic were replaced by luch green land. A land filled with grass as far as you could see. There were still, Ocasstionally some buildings, Probably some goverment institutes, Considering they were so out of the city. We kept going going straight on the 4-way road, slowly the ocassionally appearing buildings vanished leaving behind only the land. We could see the the farms situated far from the main road, Connected to the main road by small, hard soiled streets leading straight towards the farm.

It was about a four hour drive to out destination, which was a hotel situated on the very top of the mountain and when you are there, on the roof of the hotel, you get a 90* view of the whole city below, Fully alive. A view to behold.

The greenery slowly started to dissappear, replacing it with trees, Big truncked, hooded and dense. Blocking the sunrays and making it feel like it was already afternoon, When the sun was still on our heads, warming everything it came into contact with. The road was small here Turning it into an archway, like it was welcoming ourselves to a new world. Unlike the greenery we left behind the trees barely contained and leaf. The trees from both side were tangled into each other above us, which did strange thing to sunrays., causing almost all of it to lock but the rays that managed to touch the ground made the whole road beautiful, making it fell like it was rainig sunshine.

The archway slowly started to end and after about half hour they dissappeared taking away the beautiful view with it.

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