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Sams p.o.v

I open my eyes as he sets me down were in a living room he points for me to sit on the couch " why did you want me to come here " i ask timidly "well i saw something in you and i think you are special so im going to run some tests " he said

" t-tests" i repeat scared " its ok most of them wont hurt a lot" he said i freeze and i felt tears run down my face. Demon notices me crying he walks in front of my and bends down to my level and wiped my tears" dont cry its only a few unless my theory is right " he said the last part fast

" an i really gonna get to see mark again" i ask " if the tests are positive and you are special or have powers like i think then no if you do i need to find out how powerful you are if not other evil things will try to get you" he said setting some things up

" can we tell mark im here then so he know at least in kinda safe " i ask "fine ill tell him later" demon says. He pulls out a knife and moves towrds me i back up i to the couch and wimper. " i only need a little blood" he says grabbing my wrist " if you dont move it wont hurt" he whispered

He cut a small line on my wrist and collected the blood  and he left the room with it saying a bunch of science words i sigh and look up mark i miss you 

marks p.o.v 

cj and light went to virus to get sam they were going to try to fight him or sneak her out i pace around worring when i hear them come in i look up and see that they dont have sam with them " we went in and sam wasent there and virus was dead but he had a curse on him....." light trailed off " demon" i say he has sam why would he want her what is he doing with her 

kidnapped by markiplier and jacksepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now