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Okay, so guess what? I seriously am forgetting to update all my books, so if you read my other books, please send me a comment to remind me to update. Thanks!

Now, topics!

1. What blood type is the yummiest?

2. How do I get blood?

3. Do I have a social life?

4. Do I have a boyfriend?

5. What movie did I just go see?

6. How many crushes have I had?

Okay. Answers!

1. Uh......., AB-, but AB+ or B is fine.

2. I go into my enemies' rooms and slit their wrists and gorge myself. Just kidding! The vampire kingdom has prisoners who have blood. We have vampire speed. Connect the dots.

3. Um...... yes. (no)

4. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boys are degusting! (no offence)

5. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2!!!!!!!!! THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. One. It was a stupid crush. It's over.

Bonus: What was his name?

Answer: Oh.... oops. I should NOT have typed that. His name was .............. uh............. Look, a narwal! *vampire speeds way* *trips* *readers lock her up*

Fine! His name was Adian. Happy?

If you guys ever have a topic that you would like me to talk about, comment! I would love to talk about whatever you want to talk about. See ya, blood bags!

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