"Dr.Stevens, what are the primary causes of ventricular arrhythmias?" Bailey asks

Before Izzie can open her mouth, the answers are blurted out from someone behind me. I jump, startled, to find Christina in the doorway with her gown and IV cart.

"Valvular disease, mitral valve prolapse, stimulants, drugs, and metabolic abnormalities" Christina looks proud of herself. That is, until everyone looks at her with disappointment.

"What?" She asks us

"Out." Bailey orders

"I'm fine!"

"Out. You better be in your room by the time we round on you" Bailey orders her, sounding like a mother.

"And when will that be?" Christina looks fed up.

"In fifteen seconds." Bailey raises her eyebrows. Meredith smiles like a kid in a candy shop.

When Christina doesn't move, Bailey starts counting down. I start chuckling. When she turns around in defeat, her pink and white underwear is clearly visible.

"Nice panties, Yang!" Alex shouts after her. We all break down into laughter as she covers it with her gown.

Christina turns around slowly, "In your dreams, Evil Spawn."

She continues on to her room, and the rest of us follow shortly behind. Her mother sits in the room, and I give her a smile. She just glances at me. Meredith presents her case, already having memorized it.

"I'm taking solids and my pain is controlled with oral meds. I'm ready to get back to work" Christina nods her head.

"Didn't the nurse say this morning you had a fever?" Christina's mom speaks up, then looks back down to her knitting.

"Mother!" Christina scolds her

"Christina, did you have a fever?" Bailey asks

Christina hesitates, "temp spiked to 101 last night. Big deal!"

"She worked two shifts last month with a 102-degree flu." George stands up for her.

"Yes! Exactly, George. Thank you." Christina motions her hand towards him.

"And we appreciate your dedication, but you're staying in bed until it normalizes." Bailey raises her eyebrows. Christina huffs

Mrs.Yang speaks up, but doesn't look up from whatever she is reading, "I keep telling her there's more to life than surgery and career."

"Mother, go upholster something." Christina shakes her head. Alex snickers from beside me.

"You need to relax, shut up, and get better" Bailey scolds Christina for back talking her mother. Christina stares her down.

Bailey orders us all out of the room, but Christina pulls Meredith back. I ignore them and keep up with Bailey. The next room is Dr.Ellis Greys room, and George is presenting.

"Okay, Dr.Grey is post-op, day three, from a tumor resection. She--"

Dr.Grey stops George before he can continue, "Wrong, wrong, wrong. He's got it all wrong. It's not asthma, it's gerd. He needs a Nissan fundoplication"

George O'MalleyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora