I get my Butt kicked by a Goat

Depuis le début

As I hop to my feet I can tell he's not the only one. A few other kids younger than me are crying as the yells intensify. I think one of them even peed his pants.

Even though I don't go that far, I still feel woozy from a combination of getting up too fast and my frenzied heart. I frantically looked around, my bluish vision pulling up our military-style bunk beds and all the kids haphazardly lined up at attention. The other figures paced around yelling. I squinted and my vision sharpened somehow. These were no generals freaking the crap out of the kids- they were just some other recruits only a rank above us!

Suddenly the door slams open and a blast of freaking LIGHTNING blasts through the entire room, clinging to the ceiling and almost blowing up all the lightbulbs. I fall back in bed as a metallic smell fills the air and Caedmon throws his head back and bawls.


The voice is enough to even stun Caedmon into silence. Guess who? Avery.

The troublemakers freeze, one looks like he's going to start crying himself at the murderous look on Avery's face. "We were just having a laugh with the freshies, Avery, ma'am," one stuttered. I barely kept back a laugh as she stormed to them, a large golden head ducking out of the doorway.

"Just a laugh, huh? At FOUR IN THE MORNING?" She yelled, grabbing the leaders by the front of their shirts. "Guess someone's going to be talking to Mr. Happy. For four whole hours!" She snarled.

They stumbled out after her as she dragged them out by the cuffs. Man that girl was physical. "Everyone- BACK TO SLEEP!" She ordered before slamming the door.

Caedmon whimpered, looking up at me with super big eyes like 'what just happened?' I shrugged at him as I slowly got back to bed along with the others. "I don't know buddy," I whispered as he curled up into a tiny ball in the crook of my arm.

It took us both a while to get the adrenaline out of our veins and go to actual sleep but when we did it seemed only a second later when the real General was barking at us to get up.

I followed Merman into breakfast since Tyler had already left. The more I talked to him the more I liked him. Turns out he didn't apply for this either. His dream was to become an Olympic swimmer but the government had other plans. "I don't regret anything," he told me. "As long as I have my little Larissa. She's everything to me now."

I nodded, realizing I felt the same way. Suddenly I hear a tiny meep and look down to find the little light dragon. Caedmon looks down, his ears perked. "Mee-eep?" She just seemed to nod at us before trotting off smugly. "Wow buddy, she's more mature than you!" I laughed and rubbed his horns as he squeaked angrily.


"Oh sorry it was a little light dragon. Tyler's. Apparently I can see them." I shrugged and kept on walking, keeping my eyes peeled for Tyler, who couldn't be that far behind. "So what do you think about this morning?"

"What about this morning?"

"What?" I sputtered. "Those guys came in yelling.."

"I can sleep through anything," he laughed, "so what happened?"

I filled him in as we walked into the busy mess hall. Dustin and Song waved to us across the room and I smiled as I got my breakfast- some gross oatmeal and peaches- before sitting down with my new friends. Caedmon wasn't feeling as sociable and hid behind my hand, nipping me to hand feed him. I rolled my eyes at him before giving him an orange which he seemed to think was the greatest thing that ever happened to him. Juice dribbled down his chin as he chowed down like a ferocious little predator, digging into the flesh of the rare game of the elusive orange!

Forewarned (BEING REWRITTEN)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant